Jaymie Holland

Jaymie Holland by Tattoos, Leather: BRANDED Read Free Book Online

Book: Jaymie Holland by Tattoos, Leather: BRANDED Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tattoos, Leather: BRANDED
Tags: Erotic Romance
now. When she had finished cooling down, she stepped off the treadmill and headed for the shower.

Chapter 5
    Dane called Drew to let her know that the soonest Dr. Anderson could get her in was at four. They could go to the police department first and then to the surgeon’s office. Dane said that he and Colton would be by to pick her up at one-thirty to give her enough time. She dressed for the heat and wore a sundress in a soft floral pattern, which had spaghetti straps tied at the shoulders. All she wore beneath the dress were bikini panties and no bra.
    She’d pulled her hair back into a ponytail—it was too damned hot these days to leave the heavy mass down. According to the weather report on Good Day NY, they were faced with at least another week of the heat wave. She hadn’t bothered with more than mascara because make up would just melt off in this weather. She’d had eyeliner tattooed along her eyelashes, so at least her eyes didn’t look naked. She added lip color that she’d applied with its applicator—the lip color would stay on for hours and wouldn’t melt in the heat on her face or in her purse like regular lipstick might.
    When she looked in the mirror, she felt angry and deflated at the same time. The bruising around one eye was worse and seemed so dark against her skin that was still pale after the awful night.
    Her cell phone rang. When she retrieved it, she saw on the display that it was Megan. Drew pressed the on button and brought the phone to her ear. “Hi, Meg.”
    “Oh, my God.” Megan sounded panicked. “Are you okay? I can’t believe you were mugged. What happened?”
    Drew’s eyes widened. “How did you find out?”
    “Colton told Nick.” Megan brushed it aside. “Never mind that. What happened?”
    Drew felt another burst of anger at the mugger as she filled Megan in. And once again Drew’s stomach dropped as she thought of what could have been. She assured Megan that she was fine, thanks to Colton and Dane’s rescue.
    Faith called not long after Megan did. Apparently, Megan had called Faith, who was just as horrified over what had happened.
    “Dane and Colton were right.” Faith’s voice sounded hard. “You can’t walk home alone in the dark like that.”
    Drew sighed. “I can’t afford to use a cab everywhere I go.”
    “Take up Dane and Colton on their offer to have their driver take you everywhere,” Faith said.
    “How do you know about that?” Drew asked with a frown.
    “Megan told me.” Faith had concern in her voice. “I imagine that Dane or Colton mentioned it to her husbands. Now tell me you’ll let Louis drive you.”
    “Okay, I’ll think about it.” Drew sighed and promised that if she needed anything, she’d call Faith or Megan.
    When the men arrived at Drew’s door, she was standing in front of the A/C unit, cooling off in what little cold air it provided, as she listened to it chug. It was going to die, she just knew it. She needed to call the damn super.
    She went to the door, peeked through the peephole, and saw the two gorgeous men before she disarmed the security system and slid back the bolt lock. Her belly swooped when she opened the door. Dane and Colton looked so damned good that it made her nipples bead. Considering she wasn’t wearing a bra, her attraction had to be apparent right now.
    Colton wore a solid black T-shirt that stretched across his muscular chest and the sleeves were tight around his biceps. His intense green eyes swept over her from head to toe and her panties grew damp when his gaze returned to hers. His square jaw was set and his expression held a look of promise.
    The short-sleeved shirt that Dane wore was royal blue and it made his eyes look even bluer than usual. He had strong features with high cheekbones, which were emphasized with his hair pulled back from his face in a ponytail. He filled out his clothes just as well as Colton filled his. So much power radiated from both men that it stole her breath.

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