
Jenny by Bobbi Smith Read Free Book Online

Book: Jenny by Bobbi Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobbi Smith
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction
than ready to see her board the eastbound train and
head back the way she'd come the sooner, the better.
    "It was important that I meet you here today be cause I needed to make you aware of some of the
provisions in your father's will."

    "Didn't he have a lawyer who handled all this?"
    "Yes, Andrew Marsden, and yesterday Mr. Marsden sent word to me to meet him at his office. I made
the trip into town and spoke with him at length."
    "About what?" she asked cautiously.
    "Marsden informed me that your father had made
some changes in his will a little over a year ago
changes that no one else was ever made aware of"
    "What kind of changes?" She suddenly had a terrible feeling about what was to come.
    "Your father had directed Marsden to make me the
executor of the estate."
    "He what?"
    "According to the terms your father set down, I am
to be in control of everything until you turn twentyfive years old or get married or decide to sell the
ranch, whichever comes first."
    Jenny stared at him in disbelief. Her father had
named Cole the executor?
    "But you're not even family," she protested. Even
as she said it, she was a bit embarrassed, for she realized that they could very well have been man and
wife right now had she not walked out on their wedding.
    "I pointed that out to Mr. Marsden, but he said your
father was most explicit in the terms of the will. We
can arrange a meeting with Mr. Marsden tomorrow if you'd like. He can go over the will with you then, so
everything can be straightened out."

    "Can you be removed as executor? Surely that was
some kind of mistake on my father's part," she remarked, hoping it was possible.
    She couldn't imagine what her father had been
thinking when he'd chosen Cole to run things. She
was perfectly capable of taking charge of the ranch.
Hadn't she just proven that by going back East to
school? She was an educated woman, a woman full
grown, and she didn't need anyone to take care of her
or oversee her interests.
    Cole stared at her, and if it were possible, the look
in his eyes turned even colder.
    "I had nothing to do with this, Jenny. Your father
specifically set things up this way. Marsden will explain that to you when we meet with him. I didn't
know anything about being named executor until yesterday, and believe me, I am not thrilled with the
arrangement either."
    His words lashed at her, and she paled.
    Cole hated her.
    "I would much rather have your father alive and
well and here with us right now, but that's not possible," Cole continued harshly. "It was his request that
I do this. He's the one who wanted me to take charge
of the estate and see that things are handled properly.
I will respect that request."
    "I see."
    "If you're agreeable, handling the estate shouldn't prove too difficult. We should be able to conclude
most of the business in just a few days, I would

    "What do you mean?"
    "I'm more than willing to buy the Lazy S from you.
Name your price. We can let Marsden handle all the
paperwork, and then you can be on your way."
    Jenny stiffened at his cold, calculating statement.
She glared at him as she replied, "And just what
makes you think that I'm prepared to sell?"
    "You can't very well run the Lazy S from Philadelphia."
    "And who said I was going back to Philadelphia?"
    "Well, since you haven't bothered to come back
here for the last two years..."
    Cole's accusation hit a nerve with Jenny, and she
lifted her gaze to his, her expression challenging and
angry. "I have no intention of leaving again. I've
come back home, and I plan to stay."
    It was the first time she'd said it out loud, but now
that she had, she knew it was the right thing to do.
Aunt Evelyn was going to be shocked by her decision,
but it was her decision to make. As much as she'd
enjoyed her time in Philadelphia, this was where she
was meant to be. This was where she belonged.
    Cole stared at her in open irritation. He'd known
that dealing with her

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