Julien's Book

Julien's Book by Casey McMillin Read Free Book Online

Book: Julien's Book by Casey McMillin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey McMillin
he went to New Orleans.
    "How'd you like Nadine ?" Brad asked. Julien glanced up from his phone and wasn't surprised to see Brad's amused expression.
    "She tried to talk with a fucking accent, dude. Is that crazy or what?"
    "She used the accent on me too," Brad said. "I didn't think it was that bad." He smiled at Julien and shrugged a little. "You can't blame a girl for trying."
    "She's a freak," Julien said.
    "Then, I guess I shouldn't tell you," Brad said.
    "Tell me what?"
    "It's nothing. I was the one who talked to her when she came in and she mentioned something about a bar fight being the thing that made her come in."
    Most of the employees at the gym had read Julien's Book. Even the ones who didn't usually read romance read it out of curiosity, and Brad (who read it when it first came out just to see if he was in it) remembered that the Nadine in the book wanted to learn Jiu Jitsu because of an altercation she'd been in in a bar. Brad looked at Julien, waiting to see how he'd take that piece of information.
    Julien just closed his eyes and shook his head. "I told you she was a freak."
    "I heard John David say to ID her next time she comes in," Brad said. He smiled as if having a crazy stalker girl wasn't a big deal, which Julien found irritating. Brad saw the look on Julien's face and continued, "She's just got a little crush. You should be flattered. Besides, she was hot. If I had a girl who looked like that chasing after me, I wouldn't care if she had a little touch of the crazies."
    "Yes you would. Sanity trumps hotness any day," Julien said.
    Brad gave him an unconvinced smirk as he left the room. Julien glanced at the photo of Raven again before he put his phone in his pocket and headed home.
    He was in the mood to be by himself. He'd probably spend the rest of the weekend fishing with Max , and avoid human contact all together. Thinking about Max made Julien stop in his tracks and send a text to his sister telling her he would be stopping by her house in a few minutes to pick up his dog. She text back saying that would be fine, but by that time, he was already halfway to her house.
    Julien picked up his trusty, old dog and spent the remainder of his weekend fishing and doing things around his house. He ordered some tile for his kitchen, and it'd been sitting in his garage for three weeks because he'd been too busy with his fight camp to take the time to install it. The kitchen floor was covered with a thin sheet of linoleum when he moved in. It looked terrible, with holes and stains everywhere, so Julien stripped it and replaced or repaired any bad spots in the sub-floor that was underneath. Since the kitchen floors weren't a priority, it had taken him a while to get started on finishing the project, but now that he was ready to do it, he didn't want to waste any more time. He was excited about the flooring he ordered and ready to see it finished. It was hand-painted Spanish tile that was extremely expensive, but he got a great price on it because he traded the guy that owned the tile shop a few privates at the gym. He had the prep work done, and figured it wouldn't take him more than a weekend to get the tiles in place.
    He'd been right. He stayed up until 3AM S unday morning finishing the project, but it was worth it, and the kitchen looked amazing. He'd already installed the cabinets and countertops, so the floors made the whole thing look complete. He was accustomed to his house looking like a construction project, and that really didn't bother him, but it felt nice to have the kitchen done.
    Julien slept until Noon on Sunday, and used the rest of the afternoon to go fishing. He could access the bayou from the very back edge of his property, which meant he could go fishing anytime he felt the urge. That was something he did often.
    Even though Julien couldn't see his neighbors from his house, he'd met them several times, and been relieved to find they were really nice people. He had a

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