Just William

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Book: Just William by Richmal Crompton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richmal Crompton
majestically, ‘go round to the back door. If you’re not, go away.’
    He then shut the door in William’s face. William, on the top step, considered the question for a few minutes. It was dark and cold, with every prospect of becoming darker and colder. He
decided to be the new Boots. He found his way round to the back door and knocked firmly. It was opened by a large woman in a print dress and apron.
    ‘What y’ want?’ she said aggressively.
    ‘He said,’ said William firmly, ‘to come round if I was the new Boots.’
    The woman surveyed him in grim disapproval.
    ‘You bin round to the front?’ she said. ‘Nerve!’
    Her disapproval increased to suspicion.
    ‘Where’s your things?’ she said.
    ‘Comin’,’ said William without a moment’s hesitation.
    ‘Too tired to bring ’em with you?’ she said sarcastically. ‘All right. Come in!’
    William came in gratefully. It was a large, warm, clean kitchen. A small kitchenmaid was peeling potatoes at a sink, and a housemaid in black, with a frilled cap and apron, was powdering her
nose before a glass on the wall. They both turned to stare at William.
    ‘’Ere’s the new Boots,’ announced Cook, ‘’is valet’s bringin’ ’is things later.’
    The housemaid looked up William from his muddy boots to his untidy hair, then down William from his untidy hair to his muddy boots.
    ‘Imperdent-lookin’ child,’ she commented haughtily, returning to her task.
    William decided inwardly that she was to have no share at all in the nuggets.
    The kitchenmaid giggled and winked at William, with obviously friendly intent. William mentally promised her half a shipload of nuggets.
    ‘Now, then, Smutty,’ said the housemaid without turning round, ‘none of your sauce!’
    ‘’Ad your tea?’ said the cook to William. William’s spirits rose.
    ‘No,’ he said plaintively.
    ‘All right. Sit down at the table.’
    William’s spirits soared sky-high.
    He sat at the table and the cook put a large plate of bread and butter before him.
    William set to work at once. The housemaid regarded him scornfully.
    ‘Learnt ’is way of eatin’ at the zoo,’ she said pityingly.
    The kitchenmaid giggled again and gave William another wink. William had given himself up to wholehearted epicurean enjoying of his bread and butter and took no notice of them. At this moment
the butler entered.
    He subjected the quite unmoved William to another long survey.
    ‘When next you come a-hentering of this ’ouse, my boy,’ he said, ‘kindly remember that the front door is reserved for gentry an’ the back for brats.’
    William merely looked at him coldly over a hunk of bread and butter. Mentally he knocked him off the list of nugget-receivers.
    The butler looked sadly round the room.
    ‘They’re all the same,’ he lamented. ‘Eat, eat, eat. Nothin’ but eat. Eat all day an’ eat all night. ’E’s not bin in the ’ouse two minutes
an’ ’e’s at it. Eat! Eat! Eat! ’E’ll ’ave all the buttons bust off his uniform in a week like wot the larst one ’ad. Like eatin’ better than
workin’, don’t you?’ he said sarcastically to William.
    ‘Yes, I do, too,’ said William with firm conviction.
    The kitchenmaid giggled again, and the housemaid gave a sigh expressive of scorn and weariness as she drew a thin pencil over her eyebrows.
    ‘Well, if you’ve quite finished, My Lord,’ said the butler in ponderous irony, ‘I’ll show you to your room.’
    William indicated that he had quite finished, and was led up to a very small bedroom. Over a chair lay a page’s uniform with the conventional row of brass buttons down the front of the
    ‘Togs,’ explained the butler briefly. ‘Your togs. Fix ’em on quick as you can. There’s company to dinner tonight.’
    William fixed them on.
    ‘You’re smaller than wot the last one was,’ said the butler critically.

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