
JustOneTaste by Sami Lee Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: JustOneTaste by Sami Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sami Lee
crow at the judgmental thoughts she’d had
in regard to others’ choices. Her options were clear. She either made David a
kept man or she let him go forever, perhaps never knowing again the kind of
all-consuming satisfaction she’d found in his arms.
    The second option was the least palatable. In fact it filled
her with dread and a deep sense of loneliness she didn’t want to face or
examine. Better to take what she needed—or purchase it, as the case may be.
Whatever it took to stave off the bitter sense of isolation.
    She thought of waking David to make the offer but realized
it might need to go through the agent she’d spoken to earlier in the week.
Mentally donning her business cap, Sarah found her cell phone and switched it
on. She’d powered it down last night, not wanting her evening to be interrupted
by an ill-timed call from work.
    There were two messages on her phone. Sarah was surprised to
find they were both from Kendra, David’s…
    Face it, Sarah, she’s his pimp.
    The first was a harried explanation about an accident and a
promise of more detail to come. The second provided that detail.
    My deepest apologies, Miss Harris. I can’t tell you how
sorry I am that David can’t make his appointment, but he’s going to need
surgery on his leg. Too bad he isn’t a better skier, yes? I will make full
reparations of course. I have several fine choices who can make themselves
available from tomorrow onwards, or I can arrange a full refund. Call me to let
me know what you’d like to do.
    Sarah sat on the couch, the phone pressed to her ear long
after the message had ended. Her heart started a sickening gallop and a bitter
taste filled her mouth. Kendra had been certain David wasn’t going to make his
date with her. Of course he hadn’t made it—he was in surgery.
    Ice infused her bloodstream as reality set in. If her escort
hadn’t shown up last night…
    Who the hell was the man in her bed?

Chapter Six
    “David Genero.”
    The wintery tone of Sarah’s voice roused David from the kind
of dream he hated to be dragged away from. He was at home at Windy Valley. It
was a cold night but the fire was warm, the room bathed in its orange glow.
Sarah was with him, naked beneath a blanket. Her smile was a thing of beauty,
her laugh a melodious sound that wrapped around him as he kissed her neck. Her
laughter turned to sighs as he began to move lower…
    “David Genero,” Sarah repeated, her voice like a glacier,
yanking him from the warmth of the fantasy he’d created. Something made a thwack as it landed on the pillow beside him. David opened one eye to see his wallet
lying open, his driver’s license showing. “Owner of Windy Valley Winery.”
    David rose to put his weight on his elbows and stare
blearily at her. Her posture was rigid, her expression holding none of the
engaging amusement or sexy teasing it had last night. She wore a pale silk robe
that outlined the clearly naked curves beneath it. David’s body responded even
as her obvious anger perplexed him. “Sarah?”
    “Oh, you know who I am, that much isn’t in question. What
mystifies me is why you didn’t admit who you were or what you really wanted
from me.”
    Sitting up, David pressed the heel of his hand to one
eyelid. He usually rose more aware at first light but Sarah’s accusatory tone
had thrown him for a loop. “I thought I made you well aware of what I wanted
last night. What’s this about?”
    “Business, apparently.” Bitterness laced the retort. “Your
winery. I googled you, found your picture on your website. When I first
realized you weren’t who I thought you were, I figured it was a case of
mistaken identity. But you owned a winery, it was too much of a coincidence.
The two of us meeting by accident just doesn’t make sense.”
    A lot of what happened in the preceding hours made little
sense, but in a good way. This development probably wasn’t headed in that
direction. “I never said I met you by accident. I

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