
JustOneTaste by Sami Lee Read Free Book Online

Book: JustOneTaste by Sami Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sami Lee
him, her nails digging into his ass as
he rocked into her. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, how much this
meant to him. But he stifled the confessions, afraid she wouldn’t believe him
after the way this night had started out. Instead, David showed her with
actions, the slow plunge of his body in and out of hers. He gave her complete
access to his swirling emotions as he stared deep into her eyes and drove her
steadily toward bliss.
    When the first gasp burst from her mouth, David gripped her
hair, holding her head against the pillow. “Look at me. I need to see your eyes
when you come.”
    Doing as he bid, Sarah held his gaze, the blue clouding over
with the force of her long, undulating orgasm. Her thighs clamped around his
waist, her body thrashing against his as she pulsed around his cock, performing
a torturous clutch and release that almost made him lose it. By sheer
obstinacy, this time David made certain she was replete, that every last drop
of ecstasy had been eked from her body before he let himself go. Just as he’d
done, Sarah held David’s face in her hands and compelled him to stare at her
while he shot powerful jets of cum from his dick, while he gave all of himself.
    When his body finally sagged, Sarah whispered, “David,” his
name a sigh of wistful exhaustion that gripped his heart tight, as tight as her
body still gripped his. It was so good, so right to be inside her,
surrounded by her smooth skin and her heady, feminine scent. As if he’d found
something he hadn’t even known he’d been searching his whole life for.
    He was going to have to let her go, in every way, the second
she was done with him. Maybe in the morning. Perhaps long before dawn broke.
    But he had no idea how he was going to manage it.
    * * * * *
    Mornings could be truly horrible, Sarah reflected as she
watched the gray light of dawn creep into the opulent hotel room. This one
could be one of the most horrendous she’d faced in a long time—or the best,
depending on how things went.
    She’d slipped out of bed while it was still dark and ordered
up coffee with a tray of Danishes. Not her usual healthy fare of muesli and
yogurt but she wanted to get something David might like too. They’d both worked
up quite an appetite over the past ten hours.
    The memory made her grin like a schoolgirl, despite her
anxiety over how this morning-after scene was going to play out. Sarah couldn’t
remember ever being that insatiable with a man. Nor could she recall any of her
previous lovers satisfying her as thoroughly, over and over, as David had last
night. Every time she’d reached for him he’d been there with her, hard and
ready, full of passion and gentle laughter and sweet, sweet words. She’d
climaxed so many times she’d lost count.
    Giving all that up after only one night was too horrible to
    Sarah’s gaze strayed to the open bedroom door. David lay
sleeping peacefully, his arms flung over his head so her view of that
magnificent chest was unobstructed. The white sheet was twisted at his waist
but Sarah knew what it concealed. Her groin stirred with warmth, her inner
walls convulsing with needs that should have been well quenched but weren’t.
Not yet.
    Her decision solidified in her mind. She had to go through
with it—she’d be crazy not to. She’d offer David a deal. She’d gladly pay
double—heck, triple—what she’d outlaid for last night to have it all again,
whenever he was available.
    Sarah pushed aside the niggle of unease that tried to knock
down her perfectly pragmatic solution to the problem of her fast-developed
David addiction. She’d heard of other women who kept lovers with the promise of
money or gifts. She’d always blanched at the idea of becoming one of those
people, viewing it as a sad relinquishing of the dream she was loath to let go
of—the dream of true love. A man who appreciated her for herself, not for her
money. A partner in life, not a boy toy.
    Now she had to eat

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