Kakadu Sunset

Kakadu Sunset by Annie Seaton Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Kakadu Sunset by Annie Seaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Seaton
she looked sideways at him and nodded.
    ‘Welcome to Makowa Lodge.’
    ‘Thanks.’ For the first time a brief smile crossed his face and an unwelcome little tremor skittered down Ellie’s back.
    ‘Hello, mate. Where are you from?’ Terry stood and reached across the table to shake Kane’s hand. This
be interesting. Ellie put her elbows on the table and waited for his answer but Steve interrupted before Kane could reply.
    ‘At least let the guy have a drink before the third degree starts.’ Steve raised his voice over the greetings from the others seated at the table. ‘Watch out, they’re nosy, this lot. No secrets here. Beer for you, mate?’
    ‘No to the beer, thanks. Just a soda water.’ Kane’s voice was quiet as he turned to Terry. ‘I’m originally from Brisbane but I’ve been around. What about you guys?’
    So that’s all they were going to get. Ellie was conscious of Kane’s thigh pressed against hers and she moved away a fraction as the guys told Kane they were all locals.
    ‘Roster went up this afternoon.’ Heather winked at Ellie and leaned across her to speak to Kane. ‘You get a ground tour of the park tomorrow. I hear you’ve already had the one from the air today.’ A sexy little laugh that Ellie knew was purely for Kane’s benefit escaped Heather’s lips. ‘I’m stuck on office duty and you get to go exploring with Miss Ellie here.’
    ‘What’s the go?’ Ellie ignored Heather’s flirting. ‘Did you say grand tour or ground tour?’
    ‘Ground, sweetie. There’s a car in the car park down at Jim Jim Falls.’
    ‘How did it get there?’
    Terry leaned over and spoke loudly above the noise from the now crowded bar. ‘We had a medical evacuation last week. Some guy broke his ankle.’ He shook his head. ‘It wasn’t just that he wasn’t fit enough to make the trek. Would you believe he weighed a hundred and fifty kilos? The idiot jumped off a boulder at the end of the track and busted up his leg. Had to be choppered out.’
    Ellie frowned. ‘Are the falls open? Have the park staff finished the crocodile management already?’
    ‘Yep, they opened up the falls the other day. Crocs are clear.’ Terry drained his beer and stood up. ‘But no one’s had a chance to go down and get the car, so –’ Terry’s white teeth flashed in his dark-skinned face as he turned to Kane ‘– you get the pleasure of Ellie’s company and get to see one of the best places in the park. And I get to go check on crocodile traps along the West Alligator with old Bill. I know where I’d rather be.’
    Kane shot her a strange glance and heat warmed Ellie’s cheeks as the laughter surrounded them. ‘You have a nice day out on the water, Terry. At least you and Bill get to go out in one of the air-boats. We’ll be stuck in a car most of the day.’ She turned to Heather. ‘How come you got office duty tomorrow?’
    ‘No kids booked into the crèche and Jan has to go to Darwin, so I’m in charge.’ Her grin was impish and Ellie resisted looking at Kane to see his reaction.
    None of my business
. ‘Well, if we’re driving all the way to Jim Jim and back tomorrow, I think I’d better get an early night.’
    Steve leaned across the table and placed a soda water in front of Kane. ‘Do us a favour, Els? Be a doll and see to Kane tonight, would you?’
    Ellie felt her mouth drop open. ‘See to Kane?’
    Heather giggled and Kane’s hands clenched on the table in front of him. Ellie waited for him to make a comment but Steve continued. ‘All I meant was, can you grab the key and show him where his room is, seeing you’re going down to the staff quarters? He’s in number eight, down the back along from your apartment. Keys are in the back of the till. Jan sent them over before she closed up the office.’
    ‘No worries.’ She stood and put her hand on Heather’s shoulder as she swung her leg over the wooden seat. ‘Night, all. It’s good to be back. I’ll look forward to Sunday

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