Kaldean Chronicles: Kaldean Sunset (Book I)

Kaldean Chronicles: Kaldean Sunset (Book I) by Maxwell Bond Read Free Book Online

Book: Kaldean Chronicles: Kaldean Sunset (Book I) by Maxwell Bond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maxwell Bond
his desk, with his head in his hands staring at the schematics. His goal was to build a robot that did not have to be replaced or repaired. It was a daunting task, one that would be impossible if the robot were to function in space, but it might be possible if the robot lived on a planet or in a space complex.
    The Centauri humanoid models were said to have been made with a perfect form, so beautiful that they could mesmerize anyone that came into contact with them. It was a myth of course, one that probably came from a very good marketing campaign but the idea stuck. He wanted to use their designs in order to build aesthetic models. The problem was that their schematics didn't survive the Rapture. Instead, he was forced to study the ancient records of work models, laborers production drones. They were more complex, but they didn't have the same beauty of form that Varossi was trying to capture.
    He decided that he was going to use a thick carbon layer. The material wouldn't be indestructible, but it would withstand the force of most anything that came at it. It would be easy to mass produce them. He had been working with the palace for more than a year. The Kaldean Emperor wanted to oversee every aspect of production himself, and demanded the engineers to brief him on every single part that was used in the units. It took up a lot of time, and it was completely unnecessary, but this was Victor's project. He commissioned the system, and he wanted to make sure that everything was perfect.
    It was understandable, but it was also infuriating and he was beginning to get impatient. A bell sounded on his tablet. “Come in,” Arturo looked up to see his daughter walking in wearing a lavender evening gown with her black hair flowing down the side of her shoulder. She was getting more and more beautiful every day.
    Everyone is waiting for you.”
    “Dhana, I...” He sighed. “I've got too much to do.”
    “The Emperor and his son RSVP'd an hour ago. The place is swarming with Jihadi guards.”
    Arturo looked down at his tablet to see bright red flag flashing in the corner. He was too busy to realize that he'd gotten a notification. “Shit. Alright. Let me get dressed. Tell your mother I'll be down in a few minutes. Have her stall them if they get here before I come down.”
    “Of course.” She closed the door softly behind her.

Chapter 8: Chamomile
    Antoni was wading in a swampy field filled with purple wheat, staring out over a pink sky as the sun began to fall over the horizon. Over the past two years, he had traveled from one end of the galaxy and back again, trying to oversee the development of the Artemis Complex. He was in charge of making sure that each task, from agriculture to production, was performed properly and up to the standards of the local governors.
    The governor of the Arganon system was a short man with a long gray beard that fell down his stomach. Even though he was small, he didn't seem to be having a problem running towards him through the thick growth.
    “Welcome, your highness. I'm so sorry. I planned on having a group meet you upon landing, but weren't able to organize one in time.”
    “That's OK.”
    “Well, I hope you'll enjoy your time here nonetheless.”
    “Well, it doesn't look like we'll be able to stay long. I just wanted to have a quick look at the fields to see how they're doing. Are they being harvested properly?”
    “Harvest isn't for another month actually, but the wheat needs regular nutrients, and the system's drones have been able to dispense them properly. In fact, this is one of the best crops we've had in decades.”
    “That's wonderful. Is this a planet wide phenomenon?”
    “Oh, yes. We grow billions of crops here, and every one of them is flourishing this year.”
    “Have you had any other concerns about the system?”
    “Not one.”
    Antoni said quick goodbyes and loaded himself back in the ship shortly. “This is fucking ridiculous,” he spat, “thousands of

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