Kane's Ransom: A BWWM Mafia Romance Novel

Kane's Ransom: A BWWM Mafia Romance Novel by Samantha Westlake Read Free Book Online

Book: Kane's Ransom: A BWWM Mafia Romance Novel by Samantha Westlake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Westlake
slowly through the parking lot, probably no more than ten miles per hour, but it already felt too fast to Alicia. With the wind whipping at her hair and catching at her dress, apron, and skirt, she felt far too exposed. Even the rather pleasant vibrations coming up from the seat between her legs reminded her of the danger all around her. The hard, rough pavement was just a few inches away from the tips of her shoes!
    She opened her mouth to say that no, maybe this wasn't a good idea after all - but before she could speak, Killian turned out of the parking lot and gunned the engine.
    Oh my god! Trying her hardest not to scream, Alicia buried her face into Killian's shoulder, feeling the wind whip at her hair. This was even scarier than she'd ever imagined! How in the world did the man not lose control and crash, at this speed?
    But after a minute or sheer panic, she finally realized that they weren't crashing, and she managed to pry her eyes open.
    Okay. By the time that they reached the little road with her house on it, Alicia didn't feel nearly as terrified. In fact, she told herself, she was starting to come to see why Killian liked riding a motorcycle!
    After she'd gotten over the initial scare of feeling the wind whipping through her hair, the vibration of the heavy machine between her legs, she started to enjoy cruising along the road and feeling the sunlight on her face and arms. She tapped Killian on the shoulder for each of the turns, and he expertly used the brakes and clutch to slow the machine down just enough to smoothly bank into each turn. The first time they leaned over to turn, Alicia heard a little shriek escape her mouth, certain that they were about to topple over, but the bike pulled them back upright as they accelerated out of the turn!
    Riding on the motorcycle reminded her of the time when, as a little girl, her school class took a field trip to an amusement park, she realized. She'd finally built up the courage to ride on one of the big roller coasters, and although she'd been scared out of her mind for each second on the actual ride, she couldn't wait to go on it again as soon as the ride ended! Riding on a motorcycle felt the same way, with the rushing air and the banking turns.
    But now, they were at her house. She pointed out her little place to Killian, and he let the motorcycle roll up next to the curb in front of her house and hit a button to turn off the engine. For a moment, before climbing off of him, Alicia had to fight against her tightly intertwined fingers to let go from around his waist.
    "So," Killian remarked, as she stood up shakily from the motorcycle, wondering if her legs were about to collapse out from underneath her. "How'd you like riding on a motorcycle?"
    Alicia stared, wide-eyed, back at him, but although her mouth opened, she couldn't manage to form a sentence.

Chapter seven

    Killian's grin didn't fade off of his face until after Alicia had shown him into her tiny little house, pointing out a cramped little living room and promising in a wavering voice to make them some tea. He usually didn't drink tea, but he decided not to refuse the hospitable gesture.
    She'd definitely gotten a kick out of riding on his motorcycle, that much was for certain! Killian smiled briefly again as he remembered her wide-eyed look after they pulled up at her house. He'd offered a couple other girls rides on his bike over the years, and he'd come to recognize the look of someone who'd never touched a bike before. That expression, he'd decided, was a mixture of utter fear and pure delight.
    Almost invariably, there was also a little bit of arousal mixed into that blend of feelings, but he tried not to think about whether Alicia felt that way. He was just here to listen to her problem, politely apologize that there was nothing he could do to help her, and then leave, he reminded himself.
    This wasn't going to turn into anything more.
    A minute later, Alicia emerged from the narrow hallway that

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