
Kept by Jami Alden Read Free Book Online

Book: Kept by Jami Alden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jami Alden
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
    “You’re beautiful,” she whispered and slid her hand down the last few torturous inches to his cock. He wanted to return the compliment, but his brain turned to mush as warm fingers wrapped around him, sending a jolt of fire straight to his belly. A thick drop of precome beaded on the tip as he pulsed in her hand. He looked down, groaning at the sight of her small, manicured fingers circling his cock, and for a brief, humiliating moment he was afraid he was going to come in her hand.
    Then she closed her fist around him and started to stroke. He arched his head back, gritting his teeth against the unbearable pleasure, allowed himself to savor it for a few seconds before he grabbed her hand away. Christ, she was going to burn him alive.
    He leaned down and took her mouth in a hard, hungrykiss, came fully over her until they were breast to chest. One of his thighs hitched between hers, and he could feel her damp heat against his skin. He pressed higher, reveling in her soft gasp, in the way she arched and rubbed herself against him.
    His hands slid over her breasts, exploring, his thumb flicking over the firm beads of her nipples. He slid his mouth from hers, trailed hot, openmouthed kisses down her neck and chest before closing his mouth over one hard tip. He’d meant to be gentle, easing into it with teasing flicks of his tongue before sucking it between his lips.
    Instead he sucked her, hard, like he wanted to devour her. And she seemed to love it, digging her fingers into his hair, holding him close.
    “Derek,” she whispered, “that feels so good.”
    Her breathy voice exploded through him, making his dick throb to get inside her even as he wanted to show her all the ways he could touch her and give her pleasure.
    He buried his head between her breasts, pressing hard kisses against her skin as an unfamiliar tangle of desire and emotion roiled inside him. Derek had always considered himself a decent lover. Courteous, anyway. He always got his partner off, lingering as long as he needed to, doing whatever she needed done before getting onto his own satisfaction.
    But he’d never felt this primitive need to give pleasure, the need to stroke her higher and higher. He’d never anticipated a woman’s orgasm like he did Alyssa’s, wanting to experience it almost as much as he wanted his own.
    He circled her nipple with his tongue and pulled away to look at her. Her green eyes were narrowed into slits; her lips were puffy and red from his kisses. Red splotches showed on her delicate skin where his day’s growth of stubble had rasped. She was so beautiful it made his throat tight to look at her.
    He wanted to spend hours, days, touching her, tasting her, finding out all her secrets.
    He wanted to steal her away to one of Gemini’s safe houses, keep her there for about a month until he knew her as well as he knew himself.
    Derek’s brain, which had gone on a coffee break up until that moment, surged back into action.
    What the fuck are you thinking? She’s nothing but a rich girl who picked you up at a party for the purposes of a fast fuck. She’s hot. You want her. She wants you. You know all you need to know. Now get it over with before you really lose it.
    Right. So what if he wanted her more than he could remember wanting any other woman, ever? So what if she made him lose touch with his normal, levelheaded, logical self?
    They were two strangers who had met and wanted to have sex. Nothing special about that. No deeper meaning beyond mutual lust.
    Yet every instinct for self-preservation urged him to get this over with as quickly as possible before Alyssa Miles wreaked more havoc on his mental state.
    Rolling to the side, he stripped off her panties with one hand, determined to regain some semblance of control. Then he almost lost it again at the first glimpse of her pussy. A tidy patch of bronze curls topped her otherwise smooth flesh. Her legs were slightly parted, offering him a mouthwatering view

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