talked about the strong connection—perhaps even causation—between a high-fat, moderate-protein, very low-carbohydrate diet and slowing down the biological rate of aging.
– Dr. Ron Rosedale
Ketosis is also an excellent way to lose body fat. Ketones are merely a by-product of burning fat for fuel. In other words, burning fat generates ketones at the same time. When you are keto-adapted, you generate energy from both your body fat and dietary fat. However, when you consume excess carbohydrates, they turn into body fat, which cannot be easily accessed for fuel. This is why you want to be in a ketogenic state—it’s fat-burning nirvana, baby!
A low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic diet is a very powerful and highly effective fat-burning diet that’s especially useful for anyone who is overweight or obese. When I lost 180 pounds in 2004, most of the weight I dropped was in the form of body fat. My body was functioning very efficiently on fatty acids and ketone bodies because I wasn’t feeding it the high levels of carbohydrates that would have kept it working as a sugar-burner. In chapter 5, we’ll share more about how to determine what level of carbohydrate intake is best to get you into ketosis.
Weight issues tend to respond extremely well to a ketogenic approach, too. After all, it’s hard to become efficient at burning body fat if you’re busy burning sugar and starch all the time. Once those alternative fuels are out of the way, the body is more than happy to switch over to burning ketones and free fatty acids instead.
– Nora Gedgaudas
Here are some of the many health benefits that come from being in ketosis:
Natural hunger and appetite control
Effortless weight loss and maintenance
Mental clarity
Sounder, more restful sleep
Normalized metabolic function
Stabilized blood sugar and restored insulin sensitivity
Lower inflammation levels
Feelings of happiness and general well-being
Lowered blood pressure
Increased HDL (good) cholesterol
Reduced triglycerides
Lowered or eliminated small LDL particles (bad cholesterol)
Ability to go twelve to twenty-four hours between meals
Use of stored body fat as a fuel source
Endless energy
Eliminated heartburn
Better fertility
Prevention of traumatic brain injury
Increased sex drive
Improved immune system
Slowed aging due to reduction in free radical production
Improvements in blood chemistry
Optimized cognitive function and improved memory
Reduced acne breakouts and other skin conditions
Heightened understanding of how foods affect your body
Improvements in metabolic health markers
Faster and better recovery from exercise
Decreased anxiety and mood swings
I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea. Ketosis is something you may want to pursue if you are dealing with weight or health issues and you’re not getting the results you desire with your current strategy. Later on in the book, we will discuss various health conditions that are dramatically improved by a ketogenic diet, responding even better to it than to some of the best medications available. It’s exciting to think that you could see such amazing progress using nutrition rather than a drug.
I became interested in ketosis because I wanted to satisfy my own curiosity. I’d heard the anecdotes and they were compelling, but would it actually work in clinical practice, would it work for everybody, and how well? I wanted to help answer these questions for myself and the rest of the scientific community.
– Bryan Barksdale
So if ketosis is so desirable, then why has there been such deafening silence or even fierce negativity on the subject from health authorities? It really has received an undeserved negative reputation, which is especially unfortunate considering all the countless lives that it could improve. As with many things in life, it comes down to fear and a simple misunderstanding of what ketosis really means.
Part of the problem lies in the word ketosis