Tipping Point

Tipping Point by Rain Stickland Read Free Book Online

Book: Tipping Point by Rain Stickland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rain Stickland
threatening, and savouring the moment when he thought he had the upper hand.
    She snapped a picture, making sure to get both him and his licence plate in the frame, and pressed the enter key on her touchscreen. She had her head bent down as though she were merely checking her phone. Then she switched over to the hardware store message box and did the same.
    She turned on her UStream app to broadcast a live feed, mostly to capture any audio, and watched him approach with a sly smile on his exceedingly ugly face.
    “So, did your boss fire you? Is that why you’re out here now?” He leered at her. It was the only thing she could call that expression in her mind.
    “My boss don’t know shit from Shinola. Just told me not to do it again.” Mac laughed.
    “Well, she sure as hell knows ‘shit from Shinola’ now, seeing as I just sent your location, as well as the image of you and your licence plate, directly to your employer’s Facebook account. In addition to the OPP’s. I can guarantee you just lost your job, if nothing else, and the police are going to be very interested in you if I disappear or get hurt. You do know it’s a crime to stalk someone, right? That sexual harassment is a crime? I don’t suppose you were ever privy to the ‘No Means No’ campaign, huh?” She glanced at the name tag still pinned to his work shirt, and noted the gradual reddening of his skin.
    “Look, Gerry. You’ve got one option if you don’t want to end up in jail for a very long time. Turn around and walk away, right this second. You haven’t done anything too extreme, and if I don’t press charges you’re not even going to miss your dinner. If you insist on seeing this through, despite the fact that I’m broadcasting this over the internet, it will not be worth whatever satisfaction you get out of trying to hurt me.
    “As it is, I would really like to get home without you following me there, and I don’t have time to fuck around with you. Otherwise, the very next place I’m going to drive is to the Huntsville OPP station. Believe me when I tell you, if you push this you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. However long I allow that to be.”
    Mac watched him struggle with his decision, her right hand clasped around the hilt of her brand new knife, and her left holding her phone up so the camera could pick up everything.
    “Look, kid. At the moment you only look a little too enthusiastic. It’s not legal to do what you did, but a lot of people don’t know that. There’s very little that can be done if there’s no evidence of intent to harm.”
    She couldn’t be sure, but it seemed as though his jaw wasn’t clenched quite so tightly. Part of her was seriously itching to go after him, but she just had too much to do. Otherwise she would never have notified anyone of her location. Now that she had, her only options were to either talk him out of it, or take him down in self-defense.
    “Bitch,” he muttered, and backed toward his car. Mackenzie sighed. People are assholes , she thought, which reminded her of Kirk. She resisted the urge to call and find out where they were, because she wanted to keep her video streaming a little bit longer. She watched the compact shoot past her and drive off with a squeal of tires, and hoped she never saw him again.
    She zoomed in on the video as he got further away, and watched his retreat for as long as possible. She wasn’t too thrilled with herself for not having binoculars and emergency gear. She hadn’t packed the truck with that stuff yet. Once she got it home again, she wasn’t taking it anywhere else without the basics.
    Eventually she got into the truck and did a U-turn to head back home. She was almost there when her phone rang. She used the hands-free to answer it.
    “Hey Kirk. I was just wondering if you were okay. What’s going on?”
    “We ran out of gas. They couldn’t fill the tank at the rental agency, and we haven’t been able to find a station

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