Killer Secrets

Killer Secrets by Katie Reus Read Free Book Online

Book: Killer Secrets by Katie Reus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Reus
Tags: Romance
    “Hell if I know.” He hadn’t been in the room. “I ran her off the road after she left. Thought I’d be able to intimidate her into telling me what she knows, but I didn’t get a chance to question her. Someone stopped to help her.”
    She sighed loudly, which only made him grit his teeth. “She’s a nosy little bitch. Did you kill her?”
    “I don’t think so.”
    “Then she’s probably at the hospital. I can’t risk running into her there but you should stop by. I’m sure you can convince her to talk to you.”
    He didn’t like the idea of going to the hospital and exposing himself like that. Especially not when they were so close to bringing in more money than he’d ever dreamed of. Cops would likely be at the hospital and he didn’t exactly fit in there. “The hospital is too public. I’ll wait until she’s released.”
    “That’s fine. I actually have a better idea. I’d planned to use it on Allen but I can use it on her instead.” She sounded a little too excited.
    He knew exactly what she meant and the idea was stupid. “That will bring too much heat down on us and we’re not even sure if she knows anything yet.”
    “Someone saw Allen’s body last night and we were lucky enough to clean up the blood before that patrolman showed up. If he’d looked around a little harder…” She trailed off and he could picture her tapping her fingers against her desk. “Well, whatever. If Eve was there, I don’t think she saw us or she’d have told the cops. But if she keeps nosing around, she might figure something out. This needs to be done immediately.”
    This was going to be violent and explosive. Normally he didn’t mind a little violence but right now he wanted to play things safe. Fly under the radar. But arguing was stupid. She would do it anyway because she liked to push boundaries. He’d only gone into business with her because she’d been able to help him make contacts he otherwise wouldn’t have. And he’d bought into her dumb routine too easily.
    She was anything but stupid. Sharp and savvy most of the time, she expertly pushed his product and kept people coming back for more. But she got too excited sometimes and tended to act rashly. “Fine. Get rid of her but keep it contained to only her. I don’t want anyone else hurt or involved.”
    She muttered something then hung up.
    Something Oscar wouldn’t tolerate from anyone else. And one day soon he wouldn’t tolerate it from her either. He planned to build his own empire and she was a stepping stone.
    * * * * *
    Eve knew Mac was annoyed with her but after she’d called the sheriff, he’d settled down. Well, sort of. There was still an edginess about him. He’d been quiet at lunch, just giving her hooded stares that made her blood heat up and only served to confuse her. She shifted in the back seat of Grant’s truck as he drove them to her place.
    “Whatever your insurance doesn’t cover, I’ll pay for,” she said, mainly to break the silence. Since leaving the diner, he’d agreed to let her get her car. But he didn’t seem too happy about it. It’s not like she had a concussion. Sure she was achy and her neck hurt but she was fine to drive. And if she went home now and took the nap that her body craved, she wouldn’t be able to follow up on her lead. She was obviously on to something and truth be told, she was scared to be home alone anyway.
    “Enough with the damn truck.” He didn’t turn around to look at her.
    “Then what’s the matter with you? You were moody all through lunch,” she snapped.
    Grant cleared his throat from the driver’s side, as if reminding them he was there. But she didn’t care.
    Mac whipped around in his seat. “ You’re what’s the matter with me. You should still be in the hospital. Or talking to the sheriff right now. At the very least you should be at home resting!”
    “I am going to talk to the sheriff, but I need my car.” Since the sheriff had the

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