Kiss Is a Four-Letter Word

Kiss Is a Four-Letter Word by Erin M. Leaf Read Free Book Online

Book: Kiss Is a Four-Letter Word by Erin M. Leaf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin M. Leaf
shoulder. He thrust once, twice, then growled, hips jerking.
    Eli shuddered and pressed into her, his hand tightening for a moment. Sherry heard him suck in a breath and then he groaned quietly. His cock pulsed against her back as he climaxed too.
    Sherry closed her eyes and Simon kissed her, his body still glued to hers as Eli hung on to them both, trying to recover. Holy hell. What did we just do? Sherry was in shock. Simon broke the kiss, smiling down at her. As a headlight flashed over his face, Sherry wrenched her brain into working order. "There's a car coming."
    Simon licked his lips. "I'm not sure I care."
    Eli laughed and extracted his hand, making both Sherry and Simon moan. "I don't think any one of us wants to get arrested for public indecency."
    Simon didn't move away. Sherry felt her heart flip over as he kissed her again then eyed Eli. Oh my God , Sherry thought. He's going to kiss Eli . She could tell by the look on his face. Apparently Eli could too, because the hands on her hips convulsed, then held tight. Simon pushed in, crowding Sherry up against Eli even more. He kissed her again briefly, pausing before leaning in over her shoulder and kissing Eli. No charity booth, no cajoling.
    Eli's body went still, then his cock leaped up against Sherry's back as he moaned. How was that even possible? Didn't he need recovery time? Sherry tilted her head back and watched them kiss each other from mere inches away. Wow. I could watch that all night long. Erotic was the word that sprang to mind. Really, really erotic. When the men finally broke the kiss they were panting. So was Sherry, just from watching them.
    "Whoa," she said. A car pulled into the spot next to hers. Simon stepped away, adjusting the fit of his jacket over his pants to conceal his newly sprung erection. Sherry kind of slid to the side and leaned on her car. Eli shoved his hands into his pockets. With his jacket bunched up over his wrists no one could tell what he had been doing. Sherry wished she had a similar trick. No one who got a good look at her was going to mistake her flushed face for anything but arousal.
    "Sherry? Oh my God, we've been calling you for the past half hour."
    Sherry flinched as her friend Barbara came hurtling out of the car. Aw, hell.
    "Barbara? What are you doing here?" Sherry ignored Simon's grimace as Barbara dashed over and hugged Sherry, jostling him with her elbow.
    "We were so worried. When you didn't show up at Woodbury and we couldn't get you on the phone, Josh and I drove back down to see what happened," Barbara explained, hugging Sherry again. Sherry absently patted her friend on the back. Josh was here too? Dammit.
    "I stopped to pee and then my car wouldn't start. And you know how spotty the cell service is out here. The state parks don't have a lot of towers." Sherry pried her friend off her as another door slammed.
    "It's probably just your battery," Josh said, walking over.
    No shit Sherlock , Sherry thought. Why did Barbara have to bring him with her?
    "We've got it under control," Simon said from under Sherry's hood. She frowned as she realized Eli had edged away too. Both men were now bending over her car fiddling with the jumper cables. Eli reached out and adjusted one, ignoring Simon's eye-roll. Sherry narrowed her eyes. She could tell Eli was faking it so he'd have something to do. Simon had already set the cables on her battery.
    "Who are you?" Josh asked, his tone sharp.
    For God's sake , Sherry thought, irritated. Not this again . Josh liked to pretend Sherry was his girlfriend. He wasn't. Sherry wouldn't go out with him if someone paid her a million bucks. Why Barbara kept insisting he was perfect for her was a total mystery.
    "Barbara, this is Simon," Sherry gestured to the dark-haired man still fiddling with the cables. He stopped and smiled at her. "And this is Eli." She grinned at Eli who leaned against her car, arms crossed over his chest. He looked very corporate. Like one of those rich bankers

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