Kiss Me, Dancer

Kiss Me, Dancer by Alicia Street, Roy Street Read Free Book Online

Book: Kiss Me, Dancer by Alicia Street, Roy Street Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Street, Roy Street
    “Yeah, but there is one thing that turns me off about her looks.”
    “Oh?” Why had she opened her big mouth? Concealing the urgency in her voice, she asked, “And what’s that?”
    “She’s so damn pale. And if there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s a woman who looks like she never gets out in the sun.”
    “But people don’t go out in the sun anymore. It’s not safe.”
    “There’s always tanning cream, right?”
    After they signed off, Casey reached for the notepad on her night table and jotted down: pick up tanning cream. Large tube. Am I insane? What am I doing? This is like walking into a lion’s cage .
    But by the time she went to sleep Casey decided she’d made the right decision  because little Josh would still be getting a good workout.

    Chapter Five
    The noisy echo of kids shouting in the North Cove High gym brought back memories for Drew. He’d been a star athlete in high school and played college ball at University of Southern California. Josh seemed nervous about joining the Family Fitness class, but he brightened when he saw Miss Casey.
    So did Drew. Except his reaction was more like a fire he couldn’t control. Blood rushed to his groin at the sight of her butt in tight, black bicycle shorts and her breasts pressing against a pink, form-fitting tank top that read Zombies Hate Fast Food . To put him in even more pain, her smooth, taut skin had great color tonight, like she’d been playing volleyball on the beach or something.
    Looking around, Drew felt like he was part of a giant board game. A pattern of blue exercise mats checkered the floor next to different kinds of equipment: kettle bells, dumbbells, medicine balls, jump ropes, and push-up bars. Pull-up bars, step-up stools and an upright boxing bag on the perimeter.
    He also scanned the room to size up the competition. Some of the dads and moms seemed in all right shape, others in serious need of this program. But none of the men had the buff arms, chest and abs Drew had worked years to achieve.
    Correction. A ripped block of granite with a buzz cut and steel jaw swaggered into the room and sidled up next to Casey. Had to be Trevor Barton, the other instructor, the football coach listed on the poster.
    “Okay, everybody, now listen up.” The husky jock with the booming voice stood at the front of the room and spoke into his wireless headset. “For all you newbies, I’m Trevor Barton and this is Casey Richardson. Welcome to our annual Family Fitness Bootcamp. Who’s here for the first time? Let’s see some hands.”
    Drew panned the crowd. At least a dozen answered the call with a show of hands. Drew hated being part of a crowd of followers of any kind. It ruffled his feathers to be anywhere but in the lead. While Josh raised his hand, Drew refrained. No way would he raise his freakin’ hand so this turkey could talk to him like a fifth grader.
    “I can still see some new faces out there. Come on now, don’t be shy. Give it up so we can get to know you.” He stared right at Drew, who cricked his elbow, lifting a hand.
    Being coerced into taking part in an embarrassing session of introductions, only to be followed by Trevor Barton’s cringing attempt at motivational speaking, Drew almost wanted to leave. But then they got started with the actual program. And watching Casey’s muscular legs and her beautifully defined arms as she demonstrated exercises made it all worthwhile. Except the hulky Mr. Barton stuck so close to her, Drew immediately decided he couldn’t stand the guy.
    “We’ve divided you up into four groups,” Trevor said.
    Then Casey said, “You’ll each rotate to a different station and perform the activity required in the time allotted.”
    Trevor said, “Remember, when you complete the circuit return to the recovery zone in the center of the floor.”
    Casey said, “Trevor and I will circle the room and be available to monitor you at all times.”
    Drew shook his head. Oh,

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