Kiss Me Goodnight in Rome (The Senior Semester Series Book 2)

Kiss Me Goodnight in Rome (The Senior Semester Series Book 2) by Gina Azzi Read Free Book Online

Book: Kiss Me Goodnight in Rome (The Senior Semester Series Book 2) by Gina Azzi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Azzi
stuck in the cobblestones. That’s the only practical advice I got from my sorority regarding my study abroad.” She laughs.
    I breathe a sigh of relief. I can handle wedges. I try them on and turn to see my reflection in the mirror. Whoa. Lexi was right. This dress does make me look good. Well, good is a stretch. I look better. Better still requires improvement but it’s not tragic. I nod at my reflection. “Thank you,” I tell Lexi sincerely.
    She swats a hand in my direction before tugging the purple dress up her body. “Zip me up and let’s get a move on.”
    * * *
    The club Lexi takes me too is private and exclusive and unlike any place I’ve ever been before. Walking through the front entrance, I cling to Lexi’s arm. The bouncer motions us forward, smiling as Lexi winks at him, holding up two fingers. He ushers us inside, holding a velvet rope open for us, not even bothering to glance at our IDs.
    Once inside, Lexi grabs my hand and beelines to the bar. The music is pulsing, the swarm of bodies on the dance floor moving in rhythm to the beat. Scantily clad waitresses with long legs and bare torsos weave in between the dancers, chatting with the men sitting at the cocktail tables, delivering drinks and taking orders. Occasionally, one of the cocktail waitresses will tinker a laugh as a well-dressed man, in a well-tailored jacket, slips folded up euros into her hand. Or the waistband of her shorts. How do these women stay so thin, so tiny, when the unforgiving carbohydrates of pasta, pizza, and bread constantly surround them?
    “What are you drinking?” Lexi shouts to me over the music, holding up her pointer finger to the bartender.
    I shrug. “Whatever you’re having.”
    The bartenders move around each other fluidly, concocting unique drinks and embellishing the drink-making process like true mixologists. Lexi orders us two prosecco-based drinks and two shots. She smiles at me. “Tonight, we are celebrating!”
    “What are we celebrating?” I ask, momentarily confused and hoping it’s not her birthday or something.
    “La vita Italiana!” she exclaims, turning to hand me a shot glass and sliding her credit card across the bar to start a tab.
    I smile and raise my shot glass at her, “Thank you!”
    She raises her own glass in response. “To an awesome semester with an amazing roomie,” she announces.
    I roll my eyes but clink shot glasses with her, tossing the burning alcohol back. Within seconds, my eyes are tearing and I’m pretty much choking. “What was that?”
    Lexi pats me on the back. “Tequila.”
    Oh shit. Lila and Emma drink tequila sometimes. Then they don’t move from the couch for the rest of the weekend.
    “Relax. I won’t let anything happen to you. Live a little!” Lexi yells in my ear, taking a sip of her other drink. She hands me a champagne flute, and I follow suit, the sweet aroma of peach floating around me as prosecco bubbles dance down my throat. The drink is delicious. And Lexi’s right. I do need to live a little. That is the whole point of my study abroad … to have an adventure. Maura’s words come back to me. I’m being brave.
    I turn toward the bartender and order two more shots, handing over a twenty-euro note.
    Lexi woops in approval.
    The alcohol hits me hard and before I know it, Lexi and I are dancing amidst a sea of bodies. Our arms wave above our heads, our hips twirl to the beat, our faces sport goofy grins and smeared eye shadow. And for once, finally, I’m living a real college experience.
    When a hard body comes up behind me, placing rough hands on my hips and pulling my frame back to grind against him, I don’t fight it. I can tell from Lexi’s expression that he’s hot, so why not enjoy it?
    My skin feels hot. Lexi’s dress clings to me as I move. I push my hair out of my eyes as the guy’s hands move up my body, clasping my fingers in his and turning me around to face him. The brief glimpse I get of his face assures me he is hot. A tall,

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