Kiss Me When the Sun Goes Down
    For an instant, I saw his eyes widen with a cross between fear and chagrin, but Carter was smooth when he replied.  “Naw, you should be fine.  I’ll be back before you know it.”
    “Fine, but if it floods, that becomes your new bedroom until the hole is repaired, you get me?”
    “Loud and clear,” he grinned.  “You gonna be alright with me gone?  You’re not going to do anything stupid are you?”
    “Me?”  I flashed him my most innocent look.  “I’m just looking at houses with Maggie and maybe going out with Bishop again.”
    His mouth opened to retort, but he changed his mind at the last moment.  “I’m not touching that one.  Later, sunshine.  I’ll call you if I find out anything good.” 

Chapter Six
    W ith Carter out of town, I skipped my usual training to devote my time to the real estate search.  We had a standing appointment up in his attic space.  Rob had given me a solid foundation in hand to hand fighting, but the moves he’d shown me had been far more defensive than offensive, and Carter thought it’d be a good idea for me to broaden my skills.  Despite the fact that I still winced every time I landed a good punch or kick, I found that I liked knowing I could deliver a solid hit when the occasion called for it. 
    I especially liked it when Lee joined us for an entirely different point of view when it came to brawling.  I picked up tricks for dirty fighting I hoped I’d never have to use, especially whenever he reminded me to use my teeth as a weapon.  As a vampire, I knew I shouldn’t be squeamish about such things, but heaven help me if I ever had to take a chunk out of someone in battle!  Tucker joined us more often than not, soaking up the older shifter’s knowledge like a sponge, his rangy body filling out with the regular exercise. 
    When I heard Lee’s knock on my study door, I thought he might be up for a couple of rounds, and I was seriously considering it.  So you can imagine my surprise when he came into the study wearing a blazer over his blue jeans and button-up shirt. 
    “Can I steal your attention for a heartbeat, darlin’?” Lee drawled, fingers fidgeting like he missed having a hat in them. 
    “Sure, Lee.  What’s up?”
    His gray hair was tied back with a leather thong, like he did when he was about to fight, but nothing else in his appearance said he expected trouble.  “I know I said I’d take care of all the day to day stuff when it comes to runnin’ the business, but I wonder if I couldn’t get your opinion on a new hire I’m considerin’?”
    Since I’d bought out Rob’s half of Lee’s new security business, I’d tried to stay out of it as much as possible, leaving the decisions to Lee.  It was his baby, and I had more than enough on my plate to keep me busy.  “Sure, I can do that.  Is there something I should be looking out for?  Is there a reason you’re not sure about hiring him?”  Not that I knew a single thing about hiring guards. 
    “No, nothin’ like that,” he replied quickly, waving off that concern.  “I reckon he’s a good fit, but since it’s for a manager’s position, I thought you might want to give your two cents.”
    “Oh, okay.  Sure, when do you want to set it up?  Maggie can help you pick a time with my calendar.”
    He fixed me with a sheepish duck of the head.  “I was sorta hopin’ you had the time right now.  He’s waitin’ on the front porch.”
    I took a quick glance at the time.  I didn’t have to meet Maggie with the realtor for more than an hour.  “Ah... sure, I can do that.  Does he have a resume or anything I should look at first?”
    “No, it’s been a bit less formal than that.  He heard I was lookin’ for a guy and he came highly recommended by the Alpha of these parts.”
    “Oh, he’s a werewolf?”
    “Yep, the beta for his pack.”
    “That’s like a second in command, right?  I guess that’s a good recommendation, at least it proves he can

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