Kiss of an Angel

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Book: Kiss of an Angel by Janelle Denison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Denison
Tags: Romance
philosophy on love is right along the mentality of my daughter’s. She thinks everything is hearts and flowers. She’s just discovering boys, so I can understand her romantic notions.”
    What could she say to top that? Nothing, so she didn’t try. Once her mission with J.T. was over, she was going to discuss his single status with her Superiors. Surely there was
for him.
    They walked into a channel between two grassy knolls. The sun struggled to break through the canopy of trees surrounding them and failed. A shiver chased down her spine. “It’s getting cold. Where are we?”
    “We’re still on Rafferty land. I’m taking a short cut to the main ranch road.” He rubbed his forehead, frowning. “Just keep walking. It’ll keep you warm and your blood pumping.”
    “Don’t you want to stop and rest?” He looked tired, and she wouldn’t be surprised if his head was throbbing. “Maybe have a drink of water and some beef jerky?”
    He briefly glanced at the knapsack. “No. I want to get back to the house as soon as possible.”
    “Your head—”
    “Is fine. I’ll let you know if I need a break.”
    How am I suppose to take care of him and protect him when he won’t let me?
“Fine,” she replied, deciding to play the game by his rules. “Just don’t pass out on me, because I refuse to drag you back to the shack.”
    He chuckled softly, and Caitlan decided she loved the deep, rumbly sound. “I promise,” he said.
    The path they followed narrowed, the grass tapering to dirt and rocks. Unexpectedly, he grabbed her hand, enveloping her fingers in his. “Be careful.  It’s a little rough through here.”
    Caitlan stumbled over a cluster of small rocks, unsure if her balance had been knocked off kilter by the terrain or by the man whose hand held hers with such gentleness and care. As she careened toward him, his other hand shot out to steady her, landing on the swell of her hip. Shocked to the tips of her toes by the current of heat spreading where his fingers pressed into her flesh, she dropped the knapsack. The bag fell to the ground at her feet with a muted
. Catching her breath, she stared into his eyes, watching as the orbs darkened in slow, tempered degrees.
    The unusual connection she’d felt to this man earlier stirred within her, a bond so deep it shook her to the core of her being. A warm ripple of excitement teased her body.
What is happening to me?
she wondered.
Why do I feel this way?
    “Hey, you okay?”
    Snapped from her daze by his concern, she pushed the disturbing thoughts aside for another time. “Umm, yes. I should have paid more attention to where I was going.” Then, ensnared by his gaze, she said the silliest thing. “Your eyes remind me of fresh moss dusted with gold.”
    “Like the moss that grows on the rocks in the stream?” His palm slowly slid from her hip to the indentation of her waist beneath the jacket she wore.
    She managed a nod, her throat too dry to speak.
    “How flattering.” His voice was low and husky and full of a playful charm Caitlan suspected he didn’t use very often. He stared at her as if seeing someone else, and the hard edge of his jaw softened. “And your eyes remind me of ...” He caught what he’d been about to say and gave his head a slight shake, as if dislodging the thoughts in his mind.
    Sorrow flickered in his eyes and, strangely, Caitlan felt his sadness as if it were her own. She didn’t understand its source, and as she reached out to touch his face and offer what comfort she could, he saw her intent. Abruptly, he let her go and stepped away. Wrapping her arms around her stomach, she tried to sort through the upheaval of rampant emotions in her. But how did she begin to understand something so powerful and foreign in her experience as a guardian angel?
    J.T. bent down and picked up the knapsack, still unable to believe he’d almost told Caitlan her eyes reminded him of lush violets. How incredibly stupid and sappy.

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