Kisses and Revenge

Kisses and Revenge by Cherron Riser Read Free Book Online

Book: Kisses and Revenge by Cherron Riser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherron Riser
Leslie, as she had not thought about it that way at all. Sure, she had not had the chance to use her degree, but she enjoyed being home for Adam, and it wasn't as if they needed the money. Taking a seat next to her friend, she started to realize that maybe she came off like a pushover. "I don't see it that way. Adam and I are happy, and I enjoy that I can be home to do things for him. It is nice to not have to worry about getting everything done and supporting a career. I know I have my degree if I ever need it, but it isn't like I need to fret over it right away. I promise I'm not letting Adam keep me locked away."
    "It just feels like it sometimes. Especially since his parents died. I know he is going through a lot, especially with his brother acting the way he is, but I feel like he cares more about what everyone else is thinking than you," Sharron sighed, leaning back. Leslie could feel her eyes peering deep into her, as if trying to find a flaw in her logic. The problem was there were no flaws. Leslie really was happy.
    "It has been a bit more crazy since his parents passed away, but I'm sure things will calm down after the holidays. Look, I appreciate you worry so much, Sharron. I really do, but I'm okay. I am actually thinking of talking to Adam about having a baby after the first of the year. I think it is time." Leslie's smile grew wide as she thought about becoming a mother. It had always been a dream of hers to have babies of her own to raise and take care of. Adam worked hard to give her a good life, and would make an amazing father.
    Sharron's eyes grew wide a moment before she jumped up and wrapped her arms around Leslie. The squeal of excitement that sounded from her had Leslie laughing. "Oh, I'm going to be an aunty! I can't wait! You have to tell me as soon as you get pregnant so I can start planning."
    Leslie laughed and hugged her friend back, feeling the excitement herself. She had planned to talk to Adam about it on their anniversary, but things had not worked out. So instead she decided to wait until after the rush of the holidays, not wanting to add any extra stress to Adam's life.
    Seeing Adam gazing at her through the glass door, the passion she had been feeling earlier returned. He always looked at her like he wanted to devour her, and it had never failed to make her feel sexy. Pulling away from Sharron, she excused herself to go back into the party. There were only thirty minutes left until midnight, and she knew the drinks would need to be handed out. Rushing for the kitchen, she grabbed a tray so she could pass out the flutes of champagne to each of the guests.
    Excitement grew thick in their home as the minutes ticked closer to the coming new year. Once all of the guests had their drinks, Leslie went to stand with her husband. He slid his hand around her body, pulling her in close to him, and instantly she could feel the hardness of him pressed tightly to her hip. A rush of desire filled her, making her skin warm and the center of her wet with anticipation. His fingers lightly petted her, and he leaned down to whisper in her ear.
    "Everyone is drunk and ready for twelve o'clock to hit. I think we are going to have company for a while," Adam whispered, his voice holding a thick purr to it. "But I don't think I can wait that long. Come with me."
    Adrenaline ran through her veins as she turned to face him. The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. He was tired of being the gracious host. Right now he was a man. A man who was hungry for his woman. Taking her hand in his, he led her down the hallway until the shadows of it covered them, and then he slammed her up against the wall.
    A gasp escaped her but was quickly covered by his searing kiss. Adam's hands gripped tightly to her hips, lifting her so her legs would wrap around his waist. She had not worn panties under the tight dress, not wanting the lines to show, and that was proving to be a good idea as she felt him press against

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