Knight Predator

Knight Predator by Jordan Falconer Read Free Book Online

Book: Knight Predator by Jordan Falconer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Falconer
Tags: Romance, vampire, glbt
quarry. The car door opened behind me, and Bronwyn slipped around to my recently vacated seat.
    I slowed to a jog, silent as I stopped pretending to breathe for Bronwyn’s sake. Ahead of me, I could see the two men, one of them holding down the woman, as the other rifled through her purse. Her black slacks were unzipped and half torn down over her large hips, flashing pink, floral underwear.
    As fast as I could go, I slipped up behind the man pinning the struggling woman to the ground. With no particular gentleness, I grabbed him and ran for my life across the car park, bare feet making almost no sound on the smooth concrete. He struggled mightily in my grip, but it was almost no challenge to hold his hands by his side. His frightened eyes stared into mine, and I gave him a quick, savage smile, to let him know that his opponent outclassed him and would never fear him. He squeaked in a most girlish way as he realized I held his life in my hands, and I intended to squeeze them shut.
    In the darkest recess I could find I wasted no time, extending my fangs and plunging them into his carotid artery. Air hissed out of his lungs, and his body became dead weight as the life fled from him.
    I was greedy and so hungry. I drained him in almost one mighty draft, the heady power of the blood causing a huge, silly grin. As I dropped the corpse and tidied up the fang marks, I wondered if I was in the mood for another.
    I thought about his hot, throbbing neck. I thought about her floral underwear.
    Oh my goodness yes.
    Was I a greedy pig or what?
    Smirking to myself, I went back to the place where they had held the woman captive. As usual, I’d been quick and there hadn’t been enough time for the remaining thug to continue with the woman. I zeroed in on her and lunged. Before she had time to scream, she was draped over my shoulder and the cold wind of my passing encircled the other man as I pulled the purse out of his hands. I grabbed him by the shoulder, pinned his wrists, and tugged him right along with us.
    She kicked my back and stomach, while he bit at my hands, but to no avail for either of them.
    In the blinking of an eye we were in my dark recess, and I just missed stumbling over the corpse of the first man. The woman fell onto his corpse in an untidy heap, while pawing and struggling with her torn underwear and tattered slacks. She breathed in with a hiss and prepared to give vent to an almighty scream. At the same time, she frantically backpedaled when she realized what cushioned her from the concrete.
    I couldn’t let her go unscathed for fear of discovery, but I also didn’t want to kill her. Instead, with a move that used to amaze my fellow vampires, I plunged the struggling man’s knife into his gut and lunged over to sink my ravenous fangs into the woman. She moaned softly and went limp and I held her and nicked the smooth skin of my wrist with a fang. I dribbled my blood on the wound in her neck, and it closed over slowly.
    In about a minute it was all over, and I was left with the heady feeling of the fresh blood coursing through my system, and two fresh corpses lying at my feet. Great gusts of air flowed in and out of the woman’s lungs, and I knew that she would be terribly weak when she woke up, but would still be alive.

    I cocked my head and decided what to do next. I grinned. They had tried to rob a woman of more than her possessions while she was alive, and I would do the same for them after death.
    Five minutes later, I finished dusting myself off, and whistled to myself as I strolled across the busy parking lot to my car and the wide-eyed Bronwyn. She had parked, badly, not far from the drive-through. She picked away at fries, obviously unwilling to plough into her hamburger until I had rejoined her. I noted with interest that she seemed to have some concept of good manners.
    As I approached the car, I smiled broadly and climbed into the passenger seat.
    “Uh, I bought you a burger.” Her voice was

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