Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]

Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] by Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] by Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance
sent an electrifying thrill through me, yet gave me some comfort. He
smiled and took my hand, engulfing it wholly. “Nice to meet you, Summer,” he
said. “I’m Cooper. Cooper Sorrento.”
    Even his name sounded like a rock
star’s. “So, Cooper,” I said, “Why are you taking this class?”
    “I was curious about it,” he said. “Plus
I’m interested in the way our society is and where it’s heading. Especially
with all the technical advances we have these days. You?”
    “I was told this is the class I needed
to fulfill my undergraduate requirements. Sorry, not so deep as your reason for
being here.”
    Cooper laughed. “Well, you’re here,
might as well enjoy it.”
    “Yes,” I laughed.
    Cooper brought up his hand to face me,
and I high-fived him, making me giggle outloud. He was exactly the kind of guy
I needed right now. A breath of fresh air, a different kind of guy from Drew,
Nat, and Astor. A guy who seemed to just take life one moment at a time…which
reminded me of someone I used to know. Myself.
    A guy who I could just be friends with.
I smiled at Cooper and said, “Thanks for making me stay. I think I’m going to
enjoy this class.”
    “Of course,” he said. “Now pay
attention. I think class is about to start.” He pointed to the front of the
room where a man in his fifties with glasses and a beard went to the podium.
    “Good afternoon,” he said, “I’m
Professor Knapp. In case you think this is a class on sexual relationship and
dating…” he coughed looking straight at Drew and his harem, which had the
decency to stop fawning over Drew to sit straight ahead, “you’re in the wrong
class. That class is being offered next semester and being taught by yours
    My mouth dropped open and I looked over
at Cooper, grabbing his wrist. “No way!”
    Cooper laughed. “Just can’t judge a book
by its cover, can you?”
    “Yes, um, being a Sociologist,”
Professor Knapp continued, “covers some of that, and you would be surprise to
find we as humans, our society, and civilization are defined by our social
mores towards sexuality, gender roles, and relationships. Please sign up for
that class next semester if any of that appeals to you.”
    The harem in front of the classroom
giggled, while Drew raised his hand.
    “Yes, Mr…”
    “Donovan,” Drew said. “Will you touch on
society’s rules on dating, courtship, and proper etiquette, even with today’s
    “Very thoughtful question, Mr. Donovan,”
Professor Knapp said, “especially coming from a guy who, let me guess, patterns
himself after Casanova?”
    The class laughed.
    “I just want to know,” Drew spoke up,
“the expectations placed on young people like us on what is proper and what
isn’t. You see, Professor Knapp, as an aspiring Casanova, I want to know
everything there is about how to please a woman. I want to know what makes them
tick, what makes them fall madly and wildly in love with you.”
    The harem gave a collective sigh while I
took an involuntary short breath. No doubt he was referring to me. I felt a
flush sweep over my face and tried to sink deeper into my seat.
    Professor Knapp chuckled. “That’s a
pretty honest reason why you’d be interested in taking the class. I’m afraid
the class wouldn’t be about sexual techniques but more about society’s take on
sexuality and how that shapes our personal choices. As far as getting a woman
to fall wildly and madly in love with you, I would say, from personal
experience, it depends on the woman. As far as what to do exactly, you’d have
to ask my wife what I did right.”
    The room laughed, and I had to admit, I
already liked Professor Knapp and was interested in everything he had to say.
    “Now if there aren’t any more questions
regarding my other class, please take out that sheet of paper my assistant
passed out, marked ‘syllabus’.”
    I listened to everything Professor Knapp
was saying, finding this class more and more

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