we’ll have to grab coffee before we leave. What was the name of the club you told me about?
I think back to when I recommended somewhere for her to go when they visited and then My Club 20 pops into my head. Latch talked about going there once and he had nothing but good things to say about it.
It’s called My Club 20.
Awesome, thanks, honey! I wish you could come.
From the living room, I can hear Darrell’s snoring. He’s been passed out for hours and I contemplate going out. Maybe some time away from this place, with the girls, is just what I need. Even if he goes ballistic that I’m gone. Guess what? My night just freed up, could you pick me up? I think I can get us all in free. Sasha is quick to text back.
We’ll be there in about an hour, should we come up to your place?
I text her, No, I’ll just meet you out front. I rush into the shower, cleaning myself up for the first time in days and then do my hair and makeup. Getting all done up feels good, and I can’t help but drift off remembering all of the times I’d done it for Latch and how he’d walk through the door looking as hot as a man could and appreciate how sexy I was when I got all dolled up.
Not holding back tonight, I pick a sexy dress, knowing Darrell’d hate it, but I don’t give a shit right now. As I exit the bedroom, he is still passed out on the couch. I turn on the white noise app he has on his phone that helps him sleep when he’s on the road, hoping it’ll keep him dead to the world for the night. Then grab a bottle of tequila out of his stupid bar and fill a shot glass to the top.
Looking at the drink before I knock it back, what hard liquor does to me, fucking me right up. Here goes nothing! Checking my watch, the girls should be here soon and I’m full of anxiety. I need to loosen up, so I down another one. Christ, it burns. Then refill it again. On a small piece of paper, I leave Darrell a note in case he wakes up. I went out with some girlfriends. I’m not a prisoner of this house.
Setting the note quietly close to him, I finish the last of the tequila, adjusting to the burn inside of my stomach. As I stand there and watch Darrell passed out with his mouth hung open and drool falling out of the side. A vision of punching him square in the face crosses my mind. But I’d never lay a hand on him, which is the opposite of him completely. And I don’t need to, he’s already fucked himself up good, punching cabinets and slamming glasses on the counters. His hand is still a scabby mess. Grabbing his wallet off of the coffee table, I empty the cash so I can take care of the girls tonight without him seeing where we are, if he happens to wake up.
Heading outside, the cool New York breeze is a welcome feeling. The weather this time of year is perfect. It’s about the only good thing I have going in my life right now and that’s fucking sad. Standing on the street corner, I wait on the girls and breathe in the fresh air. I’m glad I decided to go out and soak in the city.
While I wait, I text Sasha, I’m out front! Then fidget around on my phone. “How are you doing, Abby?” Mike, one of the sweet doormen walks up to me and asks, “I haven’t seen you in a few days.”
“Hey, I’m good, been busy. How are you?”
“Not too shabby. You mind if I smoke?”
“Not as long as you share,” I tell him, bumping my shoulder against his. I’m not a smoker unless I’m drinking, and the tequila’s got me buzzed. Typically I’d be worried about the paparazzi, but right now, I don’t give a shit if they see me smoking a cigarette with the door guy to my building or not. He sparks up a menthol and hands it to me first. “What’s new with you?” I ask him. Mike and I always talk when he helps me with my groceries and things.
“I finally got my own place, just outside of Crown Heights. It’s at an old fire house, pretty sweet.”
“Oh, that’s awesome. I have a friend that lives in Crown Heights,” I respond