
Layers by TL Alexander Read Free Book Online

Book: Layers by TL Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: TL Alexander
over at the wall with the misspelled expletive. “DIE CONT.” He reads out loud. “A total idiot or a woman?”
    “What? A woman?”
    He gives me the where you born yesterday look?
    “Alexia, every guy knows how to spell cunt.”
    I roll my eyes and begin to make my way out of the bedroom and back toward the kitchen area. Jaxson follows me in stunned silence. A minute later Jules joins us carrying a pair of de-heeled Louis.
    “Jules.” Jaxson greets her with a nod.
    She gives him a don’t bug me— I’m in mourning look. Like I mentioned before—they have issues. Jules loves to freak him out, and he loves reminding her that he thinks she’s a freak.
    He ignores her and walks toward me. “Alexia, do the police have any suspects?”
    “I’m afraid not,” I say as I wipe a tear from my cheek.
    I walk into the pantry and step on a crushed box of Cheerios and what I think is pancake mix. Food is everywhere, even the canned goods were opened and their contents thrown about. I find one intact bottle of water. I open it and down half of it hoping to clear the lump that is lodged deep in my throat.
    Jaxson puts his arms around me. “I’m sorry, Alexia.”
    I shrug and I plant my forehead into his chest. God he smells like heaven. And when he holds me it always feels like…home.
    “I feel like I’ve failed you again” he says and pulls me tighter into his chest. “I know you think Will is responsible for this mess, but why? It just doesn’t make any sense.”
    “I don’t know what to think anymore.” I say into his lapel. I pull out of his embrace and walk toward the entry.
    Jaxson follows with a heavy frown.
    “You look worried,” I say.
    “Of course I’m worried. My God look at this place!”
    He runs his hand though his hair and despite the current circumstance it turns me on. God I need to get some.
    “Jaxson this isn’t your fault.”
    He rolls his shoulders. “Please tell me what I can do.”
    “Nothing,” I say with a frown. I’ve taken care of everything. The insurance claims adjuster came this morning and filed all the necessary claims.”

    “Security?” he asks.
    “Done. New metal doors with code pads, surveillance cameras, all new window and door sensors, the works.”
    “Are you staying with Jules?”

    I nod and wipe away another fat tear off my cheek. “I’m jobless and homeless.” I pout as my tears flood over.
    “It’s temporary Alexia. You’ll get your job back and this mess will be made right.”
    “You know it’s not possible for me to work at Ryan.”
    “Nothing is impossible if you really want it.”
    “Crap, you sound like my grandmother.”
    “That’s a little scary. I’m sure she’s great, but I don’t want to sound like anyone’s grandmother.”
    I give him a slight smile. “Well, you sure don’t look like a grandmother. That would be scary.”
    Jules catches up with us still cradling the de-heeled Louis.
    We take one last look around then walk down the entry hall and out the door.
    When we reach the street Jaxson reaches for me but I step aside. My feelings are all over the place, one-second I want to be held by him, then a second later I want nothing but space. What can I say? I’m overwhelmed.
    Jaxsons car pulls up. He shrugs. “Can I at least give you a ride?”
    “Jules and I can take a cab.”
    He huffs. “Please let me do just one small goddam thing for you!”
    I cringe.
    “Sorry Alexia, I just…”
    “No, I’m sorry. Things are crazy we’re both on edge, we’re both tired.” I give him a half smile. I think my right half. “We would appreciate a ride.”
    I step to the curb, open the car door and slide into the back seat.
    “Hey beautiful!” Lane, Jaxson’s driver, says as he turns and looks at me.
    “You’re going to get me fired if you don’t give me a chance to open the door.”
    “I think that’s just stupid.”
    He grins. “Boss-man told me about your loft. Suck’s balls,” he says as Jaxson and Jules slide

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