Leader of the Pack

Leader of the Pack by Lynn Richards Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Leader of the Pack by Lynn Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Richards
Eventually.” He slapped her ass.
    Emily yelped. He had done little more than swat her but her feminist side rose at the position she found herself in.
    The woman in her shivered at the position she found herself in.
    He slapped her again, this time hard enough to sting.
    “ Jared, please stop.”
    He tightened his hold around her waist and pulled her closer to his body. His dick jammed against her side. His hard, swollen dick. “You are my mate, Emily. This body is mine, the same as my body is yours. Am I to your liking?”
    She tried to push herself into a sitting position. He growled. Huffing she stopped and snapped, “Of course I like your body, Jared, you’re a freaking Adonis. Now let me up!”
    Smack, smack, smack, smack. He delivered four hard blows. They made her skin burn. And. Well, they turned her on. She could feel her juices starting to flow again. What the hell was wrong with her? The man was spanking her for heaven’s sake.
    “ You are beautiful, Emily. And you are mine. Now relax and enjoy, your punishment is over. This is purely for pleasure.” His hand came down again, alternating between her cheeks.
    Emily panted. The blows came closer and closer to her cunt and she wanted him to strike her there, anything to relieve the pressure building. She wanted to come so badly. “Jared,” she whispered.
    “ I know, sweetheart, just a little bit more. Trust me.” He spanked her ten more times. On the tenth blow he jerked her legs apart and jammed three fingers inside her. Emily screamed as her orgasm slammed through her.
    Before the waves of pleasure had subsided, she was on her hands and knees on the floor his cock inside her. He forced her head down so he could penetrate her deeper. He grunted as he fucked her. She whimpered as his thrusts grew harder. She wanted to come again. No she needed to come again. But the pleasure eluded her, staying just out of reach. Jared hunched over her back and his thrusts grew faster. His mouth found the tender skin between her neck and shoulder and she knew he was going to bite her again. As his teeth sunk into her flesh she exploded and the world around her faded away.
    Once they had recovered, Jared insisted they take a shower, which led to him “soothing” her tender places again, which led to another round of loving. This time they took each other under the soft, warm spray of the water. Emily eyes filled with tears as he’d entered her. She closed them hoping he wouldn’t see. She didn’t want him to see the emotion she knew would be swirling in her eyes. Because she knew, deep in the place all women know, that she had found the man she would love for the rest of her life.
    After he left the loft, Emily dressed in the clothes he had given her. Another of his soft t-shirts, this one green, and a pair of black jogging pants. She looked around for her jeans but didn’t see them. Spying a lump of black material under the edge of the bed, she bent down to see what it was. It was her jeans alright, what were left of them. They had been shredded.
    Well, damn, she thought to herself, those had been her favorite jeans. But then she remembered how they had come to be in that condition and grinned. All women should lose a pair of their favorite jeans the exact same way.
    She looked at the bedside clock and realized it was well past two in the afternoon. The past hours seemed almost surreal but she knew they had happened.
    Rachel was missing
    Vampires existed.
    And she had slept with a werewolf.
    Get a grip girl. You did not sleep with a werewolf. You just slept with a man with some mighty fine beast like qualities.
    Suddenly images flashed through her mind and sensations rushed across her skin. Things she knew were not from her own mind but that of Jared’s. Images of a full bright moon, sensations of wind and rain on a pelt of dark, thick fur.
    She couldn’t go there. Not yet. Her first priority was Rachel. She pushed everything else from her thoughts and went

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