Learn to Fly

Learn to Fly by Heidi Hutchinson Read Free Book Online

Book: Learn to Fly by Heidi Hutchinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heidi Hutchinson
    Sway wet his full,
perfect, bottom lip with his tongue as he waited for Lenny to give
him an explanation. She swallowed and he must've noticed her unease
because his mouth crooked up slightly on one side.
    “ For
shit's sake, Sway!” Blake interrupted by punching Sway in the
    “ What?”
Sway exclaimed innocently. He rubbed the place where Blake had hit
him and winked at Lenny.
let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding and looked
back to her notebook. She felt the heat creep up her neck in
embarrassment. Even as she tried to fight it off, she felt her ears
go white-hot and she vaguely wondered if she was going to
spontaneously combust on the spot. That would only further Sway's
ego she was sure. She could see the headlines now: Girl
explodes from seduction overload after extended eye contact with rock
    “ Lenny
is off limits!” Blake was actually yelling. He hadn't even
paused in his grizzly zombie killing spree. He would periodically
glance over his shoulder to look between Lenny and Sway.
    “ I
know that,” Sway defended himself, “She was just turning
me down left and right I had to make sure I still had it.” He
leaned back on the couch and put his hands behind his head. “And
I do.” He smiled wickedly at Lenny.
    “ Just
ignore him.” Blake directed at Lenny. “He really can't
help himself.”
    “ I
really can't.” Sway shrugged, agreeing with the guitarist.
“And I also can't let you believe that you don't fall into the
babes category, because you totally do.”
    Lenny still hadn't
spoken. She was certain her face was a lovely shade of maroon. She
was having an internal argument on how she would handle this.
Acknowledging it seemed to be the best option.
    “ Yep.
You caught me,” she gave an embarrassed smile, “I'm a
just a dumb girl after all.”
    Sway's face fell and
he leaned forward bracing his arms on his knees, “That's not
what I was saying at all.”
    Harrison and Blake
had paused their game and turned around, concern evident on both
their faces.
    “ I
was just having some fun, I didn't...”
    “ He's
an idiot, Lenny,” Blake threw a glare at Sway. “No one
thinks you're a dumb girl. We're really glad to have you here.”
    “ Seriously,”
Harrison's dark eyes were round and pleading, “You have to
ignore him. He just likes a challenge. He hits on me at least once
a day.”
    Lenny smiled at
Harrison. He really was the most adorable guitar player she had ever
    “ That's
true, actually.” Sway added and Lenny laughed out loud then.
They seemed to relax a little.
    “ Guys,
it's fine.” Lenny was touched by their concern for her
feelings but it wasn't necessary. “It's not like I've never
been flirted with before. It's just been...a long time is all. I
forgot what to do in that kind of a situation,” she attempted
to laugh it off even as the truth in her words burned her throat.
    All three guys
exchanged frowns.
    “ What
do you mean, 'it's been awhile?'” Harrison seemed confused.
    Lenny bit the inside
of her cheek, unsure how much she felt comfortable revealing. She
liked these guys and all, but that didn't make them best friends by
any means. And this subject in particular made her feel more exposed
than she had anticipated.
    “ Yeah...”
Blake showed disbelief. “You weren't in prison or something,
were you?”
    “ No,”
Lenny said, forcing a wide smile. “No, nothing like that. I've
just been busy for a couple years. Haven't gotten out much.”
She grit her teeth at the twinge of hurt in her voice.
    They eyed her
momentarily and decided not to push it. She was relieved when
Harrison and Blake went back to their violent game.
    It was a strange
morning for her, that was for sure. After a couple of hours, Sway
went to take a nap, which then led to Blake and Harrison talking her
into playing their game with them. A few rounds of that and they
went to get some sleep too, leaving Lenny alone with her thoughts.
    She stared

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