Let Him Live

Let Him Live by Lurlene McDaniel Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Let Him Live by Lurlene McDaniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lurlene McDaniel
    “I assume so. He’ll need to be checked regularly, and of course, his dosage of immune-suppressant drugs will have to be carefully regulated. Washington’s not such a bad place to raise two sons. There’s plenty of history here. And the suburbs really are lovely, although I’m positive I couldn’t afford anything too grand. Still, there must be some nice neighborhoods I’ll be able to afford someday.” She laughed wryly and added, “Tonight, I’d trade a mansion in the boondocks for a room with a view nearer the hospital. This commute is the pits.”
    Once again, Meg realized how sheltered her own life had been. She’d lived in the same house since she was a baby, and she took her life-style for granted. “If you had a car—” she started.
    “I couldn’t afford the insurance. No, for now, this is simply the way things have to be. I’m resigned to it.”
    The ice cream arrived, and Brett bolted over to the table and dug in. Meg enjoyed his enthusiasm, and soon the three of them were laughing over his stories about taking his laser gun toschool. Yet, subconsciously, Meg kept mulling over Mrs. Jacoby’s dilemma. How terrible it would be to have someone in the hospital and no way to get to him quickly. She wondered if Donovan would want to spend a portion of his Wish money on transportation for his mom. She decided that as soon as he was feeling better, she would ask him.
    When Meg arrived for work Monday morning, she went by the nurses’ station in order to get an update on Donovan’s medical status. “His blood work hasn’t come up from the lab yet,” Mrs. Vasquez said. “But he seems more coherent this morning.”
    “My brother would get the same way when his blood chemistry got out of whack. Once Donovan’s balanced, he’ll be back in his right mind,” Alana told Meg.
    Meg tried to feel encouraged, but she didn’t want to see Donovan not in control of his facilities. Something cautioned her that he wouldn’t want her to see him that way either. Around lunchtime, she overcame her inhibitions and went to his room anyway. He lay on his side, staring into space.
    “Hello,” she said cautiously. His eyes slowly focused on her face. He attempted to sit up, but she put her hand on his shoulder to keep him down. “I can’t stay but a minute.”
    He nodded and held his arm slightly aloft. An IV line led to a pole beside his bed where clearplastic bags hung. “As you can tell, my friend and I are reattached.” Donovan’s voice sounded hoarse.
    “That’s what friends are for.”
    “I hate this one,” he whispered. “He cramps my style.”
    “I’m sure you won’t need him in a couple of days.” She told him about taking his mom and Brett for ice cream and then home to their apartment.
    “What did you think of our castle?”
    She couldn’t tell him that she found the place small and depressing. “It was interesting. Your Mom’s fixed it up pretty nice.” His gaze never left her face, and soon she felt her cheeks burning. “You should call Brett later. He thought you were being mean to him yesterday because you were so out of it. He can’t quite catch on to what’s happening.”
    “Me either,” Donovan said glumly.
    “Brett said you kept asking for Lauren. Do you miss her?” Meg wasn’t sure why she was asking. It wasn’t any of her business, but she wanted to know, needed to know.
    “No. I miss what she represents—freedom from this place. The life I used to have before I got sick.”
    “After your transplant, you’ll be able to have your old life back.”
    “How can a person go back after he’s been through something like this? How can I ever feel normal again?”
    She wanted to tell him she understood perfectly what he was saying. She wanted to tell him about what she had been through during the past year. Instead, she asked, “What’s normal anyhow, and who decides? Let’s make our own ‘normal.’ ”
    “I need a favor,” he said after a

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