Lethal Remedy
definite difference in the septic shock, as well as the Staph luciferus infection?

"How are you feeling?" Sara put her hand to Chelsea's forehead and was gratified to note that it was much cooler.

"Okay, I guess." Was Chelsea's voice stronger, or did Sara imagine it because she wanted to see signs of recovery? No, she definitely seemed better.

As usual, Mrs. Ferguson was at her daughter's bedside. "Whatever that new medicine is, I think it's helped. She seems stronger. And she actually ate a little this morning." She forced out what was probably her best effort at a smile.

"How's the patient this morning?" Sara made room for Rip at Chelsea's bedside and handed him the chart.

"Seems better," she said. "Check out her temp and vital signs."

He nodded his approval. "Looking good."

With a promise to return that afternoon, the two doctors stepped outside and settled into chairs at the nurses' station. Rip said, "I need to get some follow-up labs."

"What do you want? I'll order them," Sara said.

"Nope, I've got to draw them myself. That way, I'll know the blood gets to the right places."

"Places?" Sara asked. "Where will it go besides the hospital lab?"

"Some of it goes to Ingersoll's lab. Those tests are part of the study, and apparently part of his deal with Jandra is that they fund his own private research lab."

"Where is it? I thought I knew where everything was in the internal medicine department."

Rip gestured vaguely to the north. "He negotiated for some space in the Parkland Hospital building. Nobody is allowed in but Carter Resnick and the one tech that works there. I have to call over and let them know I'm coming. Then I knock, hand over the tubes of blood, and have the door slammed in my face."

"Why all the secrecy?"

"Sara, you know Jack Ingersoll as well as I do—probably better. What's his first priority?"

Sara didn't even have to think about it. "Jack Ingersoll."

"Right. And the fewer people who know about his research, the more secure he feels. I maintain the case log, but all I do is chart the patient responses and enter the lab results I'm given."

Sara pondered that for a moment. "That makes me wonder. If Jack wanted to keep any data hidden . . ."

"No, there are two parallel studies going on in Europe. Jandra sends updates to Ingersoll on a regular basis. The results are pretty much the same as the ones we're seeing. Almost identical, in fact."

"But you don't correspond with those investigators?"

"Don't even know their names. Jandra is keeping all that under wraps."

Sara decided not to pursue the matter. For now, it was probably enough that Chelsea was improving. There might be a firestorm when Ingersoll returned and discovered that two antibiotics had been added to his patient's treatment regimen, but she'd deal with that when it happened. She'd handled Jack's tantrums before. As for the secrecy . . . well, if Jack was hiding anything, it certainly wasn't preventing the EpAm848 from working yet another miracle, this time for her patient. And for now, that was enough.



Sara was deep in thought as she emerged from the medical center library. The force of the collision made her head snap up, and she found herself looking into kindly gray eyes that the lenses of wire-rimmed glasses couldn't hide. The hair was a little grayer, a little sparser. But the smile was still there, the one that had calmed her when the world seemed ready to crumble around her. "Dr. Ramsey. I'm so . . . I mean, I . . . What are you doing here?"

"Are you all right?" John Ramsey asked. "I'm sorry I collided with you. I guess I'm sort of preoccupied."

"I'm fine." She paused a beat. "Do you remember me?"

"Of course. Sara Miles. Or is it Ingersoll now? How have you been?"

She flinched inwardly. "It's Miles. I kept my maiden name. Which made it easier when Jack—" She hurried on before he could ask about that. "Never mind. I'm fine. After I finished my residency here, I was invited to stay on as a faculty member. I'm

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