Life Expectancy

Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz Read Free Book Online

Book: Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dean Koontz
Tags: #genre
door, but I'm not going to start wearing a garlic necklace."
        "If not an airliner, one of those Federal Express planes full of packages," Rowena said.
        Dad gaped at her, shook his head. "Federal Express."
        Mom interpreted: "What Mother means is that surely if fate has something planned for our Jimmy, he can't hide from it. Fate is fate.
        It'll find him."
        "Maybe a United Parcel Service plane," said Rowena.
        Over steaming bowls of pureed cauliflower soup enlivened with white beans and tarragon, we agreed that the wisest course for me would be to proceed as I would on any ordinary day off work-though always with caution.
        "On the other hand," Grandma Rowena said, "caution could get him killed."
        "Now, Weena, how could caution get a person killed?" my father wondered.
        Grandma finished a spoonful of soup and smacked her lips as she had never done until she had turned seventy-five, two years previously. She smacked them with relish, repeatedly.
        Halfway between her seventh and eighth decades, she had decided that longevity had earned her the right to indulge in certain small pleasures she had never previously allowed herself. These were pretty much limited to smacking her lips, blowing her nose as noisily as she wished (though never at the table), and leaving her spoon and/or fork turned useful side up on the plate at the end of each course, instead of useful side down as her mother, a true Victorian and a stickler for etiquette, had instructed her always to do in order properly to indicate that she had finished.
        She smacked her lips again and explained why caution could be dangerous: "Say Jimmy's going to cross the street, but he worries that a bus might hit him-"
        "Or a garbage truck," Mom suggested. "Those great lumbering things on these hilly streets-why, if the brakes let go, what's to stop them?
        They'd go right through a house."
        "Bus, garbage truck, might even be a speeding hearse," Grandma allowed.
        "What reason would a hearse have to speed?" Dad asked.
        "Speeding or not, if it was a hearse," said Grandma, "wouldn't that be ironic-run down by a hearse? God knows, life is often ironic in a way it's never shown on television."
        "The viewing public could never handle it," Mom said. "Their capacity for genuine irony is exhausted halfway through an episode of Murder, She Wrote."
        "What passes for irony on TV these days," my dad noted, "is just poor plotting."
        I said, "I'm less spooked by garbage trucks than by those huge concrete mixers they drive to construction sites. I'm always sure the part that revolves is suddenly going to work loose of the truck, roll down the street, and flatten me."
        "All right," Grandma Rowena said, "so it's a concrete mixer Jimmy's afraid of meeting up with."
        "Not afraid exactly," I said. "Just leery."
        "So he stands on the sidewalk, looks left, then looks right, then looks left again, being cautious, taking his time-and because he delays there on the curb too long, he's hit by a falling safe."
        In the interest of a healthy debate, my father was willing to entertain some rather exotic speculations, but this stretched his patience too far. "A falling safe? Where would it fall ram "From a tall building, of course," Grandma said.
        "There aren't any tall buildings in Snow Village," Dad gently protested.
        "Rudy, dear," Mom said, "I think you're forgetting the Alpine Hotel."
        "That's only four stories."
        "A safe dropped four stories would obliterate Jimmy," Grandma insisted.
        To me, in a concerned tone, she said, "I'm sorry. Is this upsetting you, sweetheart?"
        "Not at all, Grandma."
        "It's the simple truth, I'm afraid."
        "I know, Grandma."
        "It would obliterate you."
        "Totally," I agreed.
        "But it's such a final

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