Life's a Witch

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Book: Life's a Witch by Amanda M. Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda M. Lee
decision away from me. “She’s probably down at her greenhouse. Isn’t Belinda here today? Aunt Tillie prefers spending time with Annie rather than us as it is. Leave her down there.”
    Belinda and Annie were the newest members of our extended family. After discovering Annie disheveled and dazed walking along the road, we took care of her for two days before we found her mother unconscious in a ditch after a car crash. After Belinda’s recovery, Mom gave her a job – they really did need an extra pair of hands – and Belinda and Annie were living in the attic room until they could get on their feet financially.
    Belinda was a godsend to our mothers, and Annie ingratiated herself to just about everyone, including Aunt Tillie. No one was more surprised than me that Aunt Tillie seemed to enjoy Annie’s presence. She took the girl with her everywhere when she was around – which was often now that school was out – and Annie loved working in the greenhouse with Aunt Tillie. Landon put his foot down about Annie working in the pot field, but I had a feeling Aunt Tillie was getting around his ultimatum by only letting Annie work out there when she was sure Landon was stuck in Traverse City for the day.
    “Belinda dressed Annie up to meet Aunt Willa,” Mom replied. “I hope Aunt Tillie isn’t letting her get dirty.”
    “Yes, because that would be the real shame of the evening,” Landon deadpanned. “Ignore the horrible people insulting everyone, because there’s a child who got dirty after having a good time.”
    Mom scorched him with a look. “Why are you being so difficult? You don’t even know Aunt Willa and Rosemary.”
    “Technically, that’s not true,” Landon countered. “They were in the fairy tale book.”
    “That wasn’t really them.”
    “Are you sure? Because the characters Aunt Tillie based on you seemed a lot like you,” Landon said. “Right now, for instance. I’m expecting you to try to behead me at any moment.”
    I pursed my lips. Landon was still upset about being cursed into the book and he was clearly unhappy with the idea of putting on a show for people he disliked.
    “Landon, I know you want to protect Bay, and I applaud that,” Mom said, choosing her words carefully. “I think you’re brave and loyal. I even like your hair, despite all the things Aunt Tillie says about it.”
    Landon preened.
    “You still need to shut up and act like a proper gentleman tonight,” Mom continued. “Suck it up. You’re not a child. You’re an FBI agent, for crying out loud. You have to deal with people you dislike all the time. Stop being a pain.”
    Landon ran his tongue over his teeth as he decided how to respond. “Fine,” he said finally. “I will be on my best behavior. If either one of them says one word to anyone in this family, though … .”
    “Then you can beat your chest and go all caveman on them,” Mom said, cutting him off. “You’re a representative of this family tonight. You too, Marcus. That means you have to be pleasant to our guests … and Aunt Willa and Rosemary are technically paying guests.”
    “I’ve got twenty bucks that says they find a way not to pay their bill,” Thistle said.
    Mom swiveled to focus on her niece. “Couldn’t you have picked a less … vibrant … color for you hair this month? Aunt Willa is going to have a heart attack when she sees that purple.”
    Thistle’s short-cropped hair changed more frequently than Aunt Tillie’s plans for world domination. I barely noticed when she changed her color these days.
    “Now you’re making me wish I had dyed it eight different colors,” Thistle shot back. “I didn’t know potential heart attacks were an option. Darn. I missed out on a golden opportunity there.”
    “You all are going to give me an ulcer,” Mom said, pressing her hand to her stomach. Aunt Willa’s imminent arrival had managed to unnerve her. It was a disturbing sight.
    “We’ll all behave, Mom,” I said. “I

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