Light Me Up

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Book: Light Me Up by Cherrie Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherrie Lynn
give me a bigger ass.”
    “Baby, your luscious ass is perfect, and I wouldn’t change your A-cup for the world.”
    “ B -cup, thank you very much,” she huffed in mock indignation.
    “Oh! My bad. I don’t know about these things, you know.” He circled her nipple with the tip of his finger, making her shiver happily.
    “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
    His teasing fingertip moved up to lift her chin, making her look him in the eyes. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you. You know that, right?”
    Candace nodded. “I know. I do.”
    “Are you happy with the way things are?”
    “You seem to be. Is there anything at all you would change?”
    She opened her mouth only to quickly close it again. Communication, her mom had said. It should be easy with him, and it usually was; she’d always felt like she could tell him anything. But her heart rate kicked up and her mouth ran dry. There was so much riding on this, and the last thing she wanted was to put pressure on him. He had enough dealing with his business and his own family without throwing hers into the mix. She wanted to be his refuge from the storms, not the cause. She wanted to be the one thing in his life he could count on to not cause him any grief or stress—because God knew she’d caused him enough in the beginning.
    It meant denying her own desires, though, something she still struggled with.   
    “Absolute silence,” he observed. “I take that as a yes.”
    “It’s not anything I would change about you.”
    “Maybe what your mom said hit a little close to home?”
    “Maybe. Brian—”
    “Sometimes I think, you know, I was your first guy, so I wonder if you wish you’d…explored a little more.”
    After everything they’d just shared? Was he serious right now? “I hate that something like that would even cross your mind. Have I done anything to make you doubt me?”
    “No. You’re an angel. All my life I’ve never given two fucks what anyone thought of me. Then you come along, and it’s all I think about: if I’ve done something to make you realize you’ve made a mistake yet. If anything I’ve said or done has pissed you off or made you think ‘fuck that clown.’”
    “I’d be lying if I said you’ve never pissed me off.” She chuckled. Oh, yeah, they’d had their share of disagreements, and he did have a bit of a temper. But he’d never gotten out of line, and the makeup sex alone was worth the fight. “But it’s okay. Because I love you just as you are. You aren’t perfect, but neither am I. All that matters is that we’re perfect for each other. If I’m where you are, Brian, I don’t need anything else.” I want it , she amended silently. But I don’t need it.
    His expression smoothed out in relief. She stroked his cheek, troubled, wondering what was making him question so much lately. It wasn’t just her mother’s words tonight. Now that she thought about it, this had been going on for a while.
    Maybe he was questioning his feelings for her ? Oh, hell no, she wouldn’t even start to go there. It was bad enough when she stared at her left hand and daydreamed a ring being on her finger. She couldn’t start wondering if he was considering leaving her or she’d drive herself truly insane.
    “Are you happy?” she asked on impulse.
    “Couldn’t be happier.”
    “Then we’re all good. I’m sorry about earlier tonight.”
    “Don’t worry about it.” His lips curled in the wicked little smile she loved. “You know, I don’t think I’m quite done with you yet.”
    Jesus Christ. Maybe her parents should have a party every weekend.

    Chapter Four
    Christmas morning dawned, but in this part of Texas it would probably never be white. The morning light streamed through the bedroom window, hitting Candace right between the eyes. Brian’s chest was warm under her cheek, and she planted a kiss on it before raising her head to look at the clock—a little after nine—and then his

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