Lillian Duncan - Until Death Do Us Part

Lillian Duncan - Until Death Do Us Part by Lillian Duncan Read Free Book Online

Book: Lillian Duncan - Until Death Do Us Part by Lillian Duncan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lillian Duncan
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Newlyweds - Ohio
Clyde’s neck pulsating, but his voice remained calm as if he were ordering a burger from a fast food place. His next words were cold as ice. “I will not do anything until I speak to my wife.”
    “How about if I shoot her right now?”
    Dylan closed his eyes. Please God keep her safe.
    “If you do , you won’t get whatever it is you need from me. Now let me talk to her or this conversation is over.”
    “F ine.” A moment later. “You tell him you’re fine and that’s it. Nothing cute.”
    They heard a g asp and then Theresa’s voice. “Billy, I love you, baby. Don’t do what they want. I’m ready to —”
    A slap and a moan. Billy Clyde closed his eyes and his knuckles turned white as he clenched the phone.
    “I see your wife’s a brave one, Billy Boy. What about you? Are you willing to risk her life?”
    “ Tell me what you want me to do?”

    CHAPTER 15
    Moving to a yoga-style sitting position, Reggie held the Bible in her hand.
    A spiritual retreat was just what she needed. She had some things to work out. Life had thrown her and Dylan a curve ball only days before. The truth had slammed into her when the doctor spoke the words, “You won’t be having children, Mrs. Monroe.”
    She’d panicked, but in true Dylan fashion, her husband comforted and assured her they would be fine. Adoption might be in their future, but for now her life needed a purpose. And a few days alone with God seemed like the ticket to find out what that purpose was.
    Her arms moved upward as if reaching for God.
    Tears slid down her cheeks as she grieved for the children she would never have. Her children and Dylan’s. Her tears washed away her pain. Time to move forward. But how was she going to do that? She laid down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
    Reggie fell asleep with a prayer on her lips.
    When she awakened, the prayer had been replaced with a more positive attitude. God would work things out. That was His promise and she believed it. No reason to get herself in a complete funk.
    Time to get something to eat. Real food, not a snack. A family style restaurant was located at the edge of the parking lot. Time to eat dinner.
    After checking her hair, she grabbed her purse and walked out the door. Her neighbor with the two children walked out of their room at the same time.
    Reggie smiled at them and kept walking.
    The scuffling behind her made her turn around. A woman and two children trailed several feet behind her. Reggie smiled at them and said, “I guess you have the same idea as me.”
    The woman nodded. “The kids are hungry.”
    “Me, too.” Reggie stopped and waited for them to catch up.
    The little girl, probably about three, dropped her mother’s hand and ran to Reggie. Her Scooby-Doo T-shirt had smudges of something that looked like chocolate. Her blonde hair needed combed but her face was angelic when she smiled up at Reggie.
    “Don’t bother the nice woman.”
    A twinge of bitterness knocked on Reggie’s heart. She wouldn’t be having an adorable little girl like this. Reggie shook the thought away and smiled down at her. “Oh, she’s not bothering me. My name’s Reggie. What’s yours?”
    The little blonde girl stuck out her hand. “I’m Suzie.”
    How adorable was that? Reggie shook the offered hand.
    “Dat’s my mommy and my brover. His name’s Noah.”
    Reggie shook her head. “That’s a very good name. Noah was a hero. He’s one of my favorite heroes from the Bible.”
    Suzie’s looked up at her, and they both giggled for no reason other than they wanted to.
    The little boy looked at her, his brown eyes distrustful. “Really?”
    “Really and truly.”
    A small smiled played on the boy’s lips. “Ok ay.”
    “Great, then let’s go eat, Noah.” Reggie held the door open and they walked in ahead of her. It looked as if they didn’t have much money. Their clothes were old and worn out, not unusual for kids, but the mother’s T-shirt was faded from

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