Lincoln in the World

Lincoln in the World by Kevin Peraino Read Free Book Online

Book: Lincoln in the World by Kevin Peraino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin Peraino
heavily on Johannsen’s research and interpretations in the preceding paragraph.
    47 . Beveridge, v. 2, p. 80; Baker, p. 104 (British-born Baker).
    48 . W. C. P. Breckinridge reminiscences,
Morning Herald
, July 24, 1903 (“physical manhood”);
Sangamo Journal
, July 23, 1846 (“ignoble death”);
Sangamo Journal
, June 25, 1846 (“Foreign nations”). Transcriptions of all three articles in William H. Townsend Papers, University of Kentucky.
    49 . Riddle,
Lincoln Runs for Congress
, pp. 167–68 (neutralizing it);
The Illinois Gazette
(Lacon), July 25, 1846, in
, v. 1, p. 381–82 (spoke on Oregon and Mexico); White,
A. Lincoln
, pp. 134–35 (by a wide margin).
    50 . White,
A. Lincoln
, p. 136 (another sixteen months);
, v. 1, p. 241; Lincoln to Joshua Speed, Oct. 22, 1846, in
, v. 1, pp. 389–91.
    51 . Herndon to Jesse Weik, Dec. 29, 1885, HW, LOC.
    52 . This account of the Battle of Buena Vista is drawn primarily from Bauer, pp. 209–18. See also McDougall,
Throes of Democracy
, p. 294 (“A little more grape”);
, v. 1, p. 277 (slogan); and Johannsen,
To the Halls of the Montezumas
, pp. 106–107.
    53 . Bauer, p. 216 (Hardin had fought heroically).
    54 .
Illinois State Register
, Apr. 2, 1847, quoted in Beveridge, v. 2, p. 92n4 (“beloved by all”); Lincoln, “Resolutions Adopted at John J. Hardin Memorial Meeting,” in
Sangamo Jour
nal, Apr. 8, 1847, in
, v. 1, pp. 392–93.
    55 . J. G. Buckingham, private letter, quoted in Findley,
A. Lincoln: Crucible of Congress
, p. 60 (“curvetting and galloping”); Beveridge, v. 2, p. 93.
    56 . Bauer, pp. 220–21 (“robberies, murders, and rapes”), 225 (“missing daughters”), 268 (wooden leg); Beveridge v. 2, pp. 93–94.
    57 . McPherson,
Battle Cry of Freedom
, pp. 3–4 (“bursting into applause”); Bauer, pp. 318 and 322 (“victorious commander”).
    58 . Findley,
A. Lincoln: The Crucible of Congress
, p. 32 (know everyone); Illinois
Weekly Journal
, Oct. 28, 1847, quoted in Townsend,
Lincoln and His Wife’s Hometown
, p. 140 (“twice the good looks”).
    59 . Helm,
True Story of Mary, Wife of Lincoln
, pp. 99–100.
    60 . Townsend,
Lincoln and His Wife’s Hometown
, p. 146 (“away fighting in Mexico”);
Papers of Henry Clay
, v. 10, p. 320, quoted in Heidler and Heidler,
Henry Clay
, pp. 414–15 (“outrages committed”).
    61 . Townsend,
Lincoln in His Wife’s Hometown
, pp. 144, 156 (Cromwell and Napoleon); Wilson, ed.,
Intimate Memories of Lincoln
, p. 243 (“almost worshipped”); Davis and Wilson, eds.,
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
, p. 34 (“beau ideal”);
, v. 1, pp. 92, 224; Heidler and Heidler,
Henry Clay
,p. 71 (denim suit); Townsend,
Lincoln in His Wife’s Hometown
, p. 152 (Lexington courthouse).
    62 .
New Orleans Daily Picayune
, Dec. 23, 1846, quoted in Heidler and Heidler,
Henry Clay
, p. 412 (“slay a Mexican”); Remini,
Henry Clay
, pp. 680–81 (pistols);
Papers of Henry Clay
, v. 10, p. 274, cited in Heidler and Heidler,
Henry Clay
, p. 410 (“dictates of conscience”);
Papers of Henry Clay
, v. 10, p. 316, cited in Heidler and Heidler,
Henry Clay
, p. 416 (“calamitous”).
    63 . Merry, p. 394 (Clay’s age); Clay, “Speech in Lexington, Ky., Nov. 13, 1847, in
Papers of Henry Clay
, v. 10, p. 362 (“frost of age”); Greenberg,
A Wicked War
, p. 228 (“trumpet”); Townsend,
Lincoln in His Wife’s Hometown
, pp. 152–53. The scene of Clay’s speech draws heavily on Townsend’s account of the event.
    64 . Clay, “Speech in Lexington, Ky.,” Nov. 13, 1847, in
Papers of Henry Clay
, v. 10, pp. 361–77 (“direful and fatal”).
    65 . Townsend,
Lincoln in His Wife’s Hometown
, p. 155 (length of speech); Howe,
What Hath God Wrought
, p. 828 (beamed it); Palmerston quoted in Greenberg,
A Wicked War
, p. 236; Anson G. Henry to Lincoln, Dec. 29, 1847, ALP, LOC (“Old Zac”).
    66 . Usher F. Linder statement for J. G. Holland, in HI, p. 569 (shared a meal and “Mr. Lincoln’s

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