Linda Kay Silva - Delta Stevens 3 - Weathering the Storm

Linda Kay Silva - Delta Stevens 3 - Weathering the Storm by Linda Kay Silva Read Free Book Online

Book: Linda Kay Silva - Delta Stevens 3 - Weathering the Storm by Linda Kay Silva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Kay Silva
going to lose her if you don’t. And if putting you on TP helps save your relationship, then I am all for it. I’m sorry Del, if that’s not what you want to hear, but that’s how I feel. I love Megan, too, and I’m not real keen on the thought of you losing her.”
    Delta flinched. She couldn’t stand the thought of losing Megan, either.
    “Del, ever since Miles died, you’ve gone full blast. You tucked your head and ran like the dickens, plowing over everything that stood in your way.You’ve taken so many risks, it’s as if you’re trying to make up for his death.”
    Watching the curly-headed young man grin foolishly as he swiped money off the pool table, Delta shook her head. Laughing in a man’s face when you take his money was a surefire way of having your own face rearranged. When the young kid asked the biker and his buddies if they wanted a chance at double or nothing, Delta turned away. He was really asking for trouble.
    “Slowing down won’t make you lose your edge, Del, if that’s what you’re worried about.” As the four ball spun into the corner pocket, Delta barely managed a shrug.
    “If anything, you need a fresher perspective. Everyone needs to take a step back every once in awhile. It’s not a sign of weakness to take a look at the big picture.”
    In her mind, Delta knew that Connie was right. It was her heart she was having a hard time convincing. “It still feels like I’m giving up patrol to be a meter maid.” Hearing another ball slam into a pocket, Delta turned to see the young player smiling arrogantly at the biker and his buddies.
    “Will you at least give it a chance? Open your mind up a bit and see this as a way of killing two birds with one stone.”
    Watching the handsome player sink the eight ball and grab the remainder of the money from the table, Delta heaved a sigh. “Well...I’ve discovered silver linings in stranger places. I suppose I can give it a try.”
    Smiling widely, Connie clapped her hands together. “Great. Now, can you be a bit more enthusiastic about it?”
    “Enthusiastic? Hell, Connie, it’s all I can do to choke it down. Now you want me to do it with a smile on my face?”
    Connie nodded. “Yes.”
    “Forget it. I’ll give it my best, but I won’t do it with a smile. I’ll try my hardest and hope like hell everything turns out okay.”
    “Just okay?”
    Delta nodded. “Hey, anything could happen out there on TP.”
    Connie’s eyes grew larger. “Anything?”
    “Sure.” With a mischievous grin, Delta ordered another round.
    “Now you’ve really got me worried,” Connie said, grinning back at Delta. “Suddenly, you have that look in your eyes.”
    “What look?”
    “The look that spells t-r-o-u-b-l-e.”
    “Trouble? What kind of trouble could I possibly get into on Training Patrol?”
    Rolling her eyes, Connie sighed. “That, my friend, is the $64,000 question.”

Chapter 5
    When they finished their drinks and conversation, Delta slowly stood and stretched. “I’d better shove off. I don’t want Gina to think that I keep you out too late at night.”
    Connie laughed. “Sit down. There’s one more thing we need to talk about.”
    “Uh oh. I didn’t do it, I swear.”
    Moving closer to Delta, Connie’s laughter melted down into a warm smile. “Relax, Kimo, you’re not in trouble.”
    “Whew. So, what is it?”
    Connie inhaled slowly and ran her finger around the rim of her glass. “Gina and I are going to have a baby.”
    “Excuse me? Did you say baby? As in infant? As in tiny human being?”
    Nodding, Connie’s grin spread from ear to ear.
    “Really? A baby? You’re having a baby?”
    “Well break out the cigars!” Reaching out to hug Connie, Delta squeezed her tightly.
    “Not yet. We’ve been checking out donors versus sperm banks.”
    “I’m so excited! This is great news! I’m going to be an aunt! You’re going to be a mom! We’re going to be parents!”
    Connie threw her head back and

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