Lone Star Ranger : A Ranger to Ride With (9781310568404)
get those bandages wet. You
don't want water soakin' through to the stitches. You can hang your
clothes on those pegs. Those new duds in that package?”
    “Yeah. I needed to replace the ones I lost
when our ranch was burned.”
    “Just leave those on the shelf until you’re
ready to get dressed. Take as long as you like.”
    “All right. And thanks, Mr. Mason.”
    “No need to thank me, son. It’s the least I
can do.”
    Once the barber left, Nate stripped out of
his dirty clothes and stepped into the tub. He settled as deeply as
possible into the steaming hot water, letting it soak aches from
his body and grime from his skin. As he lay there, a feeling of
deep sadness came over him. After a while, he realized it was more
than just the loss of his parents and brother. He now understood
what was troubling him. Despite his previous dislike for Texas, he
now knew it was home. He had no desire to return to Delaware. And
he wanted to be there when the men who had killed his parents and
brother were brought to justice. With a sigh, he settled even more
deeply into the tub. As Lieutenant Berkeley and Jeb had said, there
was no future for him in the Lone Star State. Like it or not, he
would need to go back to Wilmington.
    “Boy howdy, you look good in those new
clothes, Nate,” Jeb said as they headed for the livery stable after
their baths and haircuts. “That hat’ll fit you better once those
bandages come off. Just too bad we couldn’t find any Eastern-type
clothes for you. You’re lookin’ like a real cowpuncher.”
    “That’s all right, Jeb. My friends back in
Delaware all thought I was gonna be a cowboy. This way when I get
home, I’ll at least look like one.”
    “That’s the spirit. Nate, Ranger pay ain’t
all that much, so we can’t often afford a hotel room. I can usually
talk the hostler at the stable to let me sleep in the loft for a
couple extra bits a night. Besides, I like to stay close to my
horse. You mind doin’ that? If not, you could use some of your
money to get yourself a room for the next couple of nights.”
    “No, sleepin’ in the loft will be okay,”
Nate said. “It’ll probably be a lot more comfortable than crowdin’
into a bed with two of three of my cousins once I get back
    “Then that’s what we’ll do. After Dudley’s
in a stall and fed, it’ll be time to think about our supper. You
about ready to chow down again?”
    “Now that you mention it, yeah. But I’m also
real tired.”
    “You’ve been through a lot. We’ll get
supper, then turn in early.”
    With nothing to do until the stage arrived
in two days, Nate and Jeb had little to do the next day. Most of
the time they spent sitting on barrels in front of the stable,
watching people as they walked by. Nate grew more quiet as the day
went on.
    “Nate, you feelin’ all right?” Jeb asked.
“Your head ain’t botherin’ you, is it?”
    “No, not at all,” Nate said.
    “How about your belly? You seem to be eatin’
all right, but is that kick from Dudley gettin’ worse?”
    “No, it’s fine, except for the funny purple
color it turned where Dudley got me.”
    “I’m sure sorry about that, but I’ll bet
you’ll never grab a horse’s tail again.”
    “You can be certain I won’t. Dudley taught
me a good lesson. No, I’m okay. Just feelin’ kind of down.”
    “Well, that’s understandable, with all
you’ve been through. Losin’ a family like you did would throw a man
twice your age. You’ll start to feel better once you’re with
kinfolks. Things’ll never be the same, but the hurt will lessen
with time. Meantime, you ready for supper?”
    “I guess so.”
    Nate merely picked at his meal that night.
When he and Jeb bedded down in the stable’s hay loft, he lay
staring at the roof for quite some time.
    “Jeb, you awake?” he finally whispered.
    “Yeah. I’m still awake,” Jeb answered.
    “I’ve gotta tell you something. I don’t want
to go back to

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