Lone Star Ranger : A Ranger to Ride With (9781310568404)
should be the general store to get you some decent clothes, Nate,”
Jeb said. “It’s just down the street. We’ll stop there, then grab
some chuck. After that we’ll head for the barber shop for haircuts
and baths for both of us, and a shave for me. Been a long time
since I’ve had the chance to scrub the trail dust out of my hide.
And we’re both lookin’ pretty shaggy. Once all that’s done, we’ll
put up Dudley at the livery and figure out a place to stay.” Like
most cowboys, Jeb hated to walk, so would use his horse to complete
their errands, then stable him. “Does that sound all right to
    “I guess so,” Nate answered.
    “Nate, I know this is a lot for you right
now, but you’re handlin’ everything pretty well. Just remember if
you need to talk you go right ahead. I’ll be listenin’.”
    “Thanks, Jeb. I’ll be okay, I guess.”
    “You will be. You’re a tougher kid than you
realize, Nate. It’ll take time, but you’ll do all right. I’d bet my
hat on it. Let’s get to the store. I don’t know about you, but I’m
gettin’ hungry.”
    “So am I.”
    “Good. We’ll buy those clothes, then
    Jeb helped Nate pick out two pairs of
denims, two shirts, a pair of sturdy boots, a red silk neckerchief,
two sets of underwear, two pairs of socks, and a black Stetson.
Once the purchases were completed, paid for, and wrapped, they
headed for a nearby café for dinner of beefsteaks, boiled potatoes,
and black eyed peas, with apple pie for dessert. After that, they
crossed the street to the barber shop. A bell attached to the door
jingled merrily when they opened it.
    “C’mon in, gents,” the barber greeted them.
He glanced at the badge on Jeb’s vest. “Ranger, huh? Reckon you’re
here for a shave and a haircut, from the looks of you.”
    “For me and the boy both. Baths also. I’m
Jeb, and this here’s Nate. I know it’ll be tough workin’ around the
bandage on his head, so just trim him up as best you can.”
    “Sure, of course. I’m Bret Mason. What
happened to you son? If you don’t mind my askin’.”
    Nate swallowed hard before replying.
    “Outlaws attacked our ranch. They killed my
ma and pa and brother. I got shot and left for dead.”
    “Some of us Rangers have been trailin’ that
bunch for quite a while now. Came up on Nate’s place a little too
late to help his folks,” Jeb added. “Rest of my patrol’s still
after ’em. With any luck they’ve caught ’em by now. I came with
Nate to help him get his affairs in order. He’s got no kin left in
Texas, so he’s goin’ back home to Delaware to live with his aunt
and uncle.”
    “I’m sure sorry to hear that, son,” Mason
said. “My prayers will be with you. Won’t be much, but mebbe a trim
and hot bath will make you feel a little better. Ranger, who’s
goin’ first, you or the boy?”
    “Take care of Nate first. It won’t take as
long to trim his hair as it will for my shearin’ and shave.”
    “All right. I’ve already got some water
heated. Let me get a couple more kettles started, then I’ll start
in on your hair, Nate.”
    Mason disappeared into the back room, then
returned a few minutes later.
    “Hop in the chair, Nate. By the time I’m
done, your bath will be ready.”
    Mason worked carefully on the boy so as not
to cause him any further pain from the bullet wound. He looked at
Nate critically once he was done.
    “Not too bad, considerin’,” he said. He held
up a mirror for Nate to look in. “What do you think, Nate?”
    “No, it’s not. In fact, it’s just fine.”
    “Good. Now follow me and I’ll finish gettin’
your bath ready.”
    Mason removed the cloth protecting Nate’s
clothes and brushed off his neck and shoulders. He led Nate into
the back room, where he poured more hot water into a large zinc
    “Soap, washcloth, and towels are on the
chair next to the tub,” he said. “More towels on the shelf if you
need ’em. Just be careful you don't

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