Lonely Heart
faith in him. I really screwed things up. It’s amazing how hindsight can kick you in the ass. If I had listened to my gut and ignored Ms. Belinda’s request, we’d be together.”
    “I can’t believe he’s so pig headed he can’t move on.” To my surprise, Yasmine laughed.
    “Zack and I both have stubborn streaks.” She sighed, absently rubbed her finger.
    “Look at it this way, we now have a club all our own.”
    Yasmine glanced over at me in confusion. “What club?”
    “The Single Momma Club,” I rubbed my belly.
    Mixed emotions went over her face. “I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry.”
    “Laugh or cry about what?”
    Yasmine and I looked up to see Ebony standing in front of us, hands on her hips. She leaned in to give me a hug.
    “Hey! You said you couldn’t make it.” Being with both of my friends again made me complete.
    “And leave my two best friends abandoned? I don’t think so.” She hugged Yasmine.
    “I thought you and lover boy had plans for tonight.” Yasmine watched Ebony in disbelief.
    She shrugged. “We did, but he understood this is one of those times I need to be with my girls.”
    Yasmine and I glanced at each other, her expression mirrored my own. “You’re not obligated to leave him and sit with us,” I said.
    “You should be with your man appreciating the fact you have a wonderful relationship,” Yasmine added.
    “You guys are making me feel bad for being married,” Ebony said, the pain written over her face.
    “Nobody’s trying to make you feel bad, trust me. You’ve got a good man; we’re proud of you. Do what you need to protect your relationship, that’s all I’m saying,” Yasmine replied.
    “Believe me, I am. Taking those counseling courses is helping. If anything, we’re stronger than ever.”
    “Good for you,” I meant every word. “Now, how ‘bout we change the subject before we get depressed? Oh, I know,” A wicked smile stretched over my face as my gaze went between them.
    “Uh oh, I know that look,” Ebony laughed. “I’m not sure I like where this is going.”
    “Care to join the Baby Making Club?” I wiggled my eyebrows.
    Yasmine’s laugh was so loud she had to cover her mouth.
    Ebony chuckled. “And take away from the shine you ladies have? Hey, somebody has to babysit.”
    “She’s got a point.” Yasmine tilted her head in my direction. “I say we leave her and Brian to play aunt and uncle while you and I go out for a night on the town.”
    I laughed. “Sounds good to me.”
    “Oh that’s messed up,” Ebony said, shaking her head.
    “Unless you think Uncle Brian can handle two babies?” I offered.
    Our faces scrunched as we thought about it, then laughed.
    “Okay, that’s enough about babies; you guys are trying to pass the baby cootie. What’s new with you guys?”
    “My sister, Tiffany, moved in.”
    Both ladies’ eyebrows shot up in surprise.
    “When did that happen?” Ebony asked after the nail tech got her situated in an empty massage chair on the opposite side of me.
    “Last week. It all happened so fast.” I filled them in on the details.
    “The good thing is you have someone there to help you now,” Yasmine said when I finished.
    “It’s a blessin’ for sure. She’s nearly done unpackin’ everythin’. Now all she needs is a job.”
    “Maybe I can help. Is she good with animals?” Ebony asked.
    “We grew up on a farm,” I reminded her.
    Ebony laughed. “That’s right. I heard the animal clinic I used to volunteer at is looking for part-time help. I believe they need someone to clean cages, bathe, and walk the animals. The pay is decent. I’ll make a call in the morning.”
    “I’ll let her know. Thanks for lookin’ out.”
    “What are friends for? By the way, are you still having your blood pressure checked?”
    “I’m bein’ monitored. My doctor is threatenin’ bed rest if it doesn’t get in check soon. At least all I have is a few weeks left of work, then I’ll be off my feet

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