Long Overdue (River Jewel Resort Book 3)

Long Overdue (River Jewel Resort Book 3) by Madison Sevier Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Long Overdue (River Jewel Resort Book 3) by Madison Sevier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Sevier
We never tell anyone who stays with us. Why do you ask? Oh, I trust you’ve received your first wish.”
    “Enjoy yourself, my dear. Here’s your chance.”
    Scarlet hung up before Olivia could utter another word. She was in a room with a virtua l person! “I am so creeped out right now.”
    Virtual Matt watched her every move with a smile on his face. His eyes danced with amusement just like her real Matt’s eyes. He was the same height and appeared to be a clone of her Matt. But he didn’t speak. What was she going to do? This was crazy! He wasn’t real. How did Scarlet expect her to enjoy herself with some computer image?
    She reached out to touch him and found he wasn’t just a holographic image. He felt real. She ran her hands up and down his arms and all over his chest and back.
    “Oh my goodness! How can you be real?”
    Olivia lifted each of his pant legs, felt under his jacket, ran her hands through his hair, examining and inspecting every inch of virtual Matt. She was speechless. He was almost an exact duplicate. The only thing different was the way his hair parted to the side. Matt’s went left and virtual Matt’s went right. Other than that, he could be the real Matt.
    “Stay right there. I need to sit down. This is way too weird for me. This isn’t right. You can’t be Matt. What the hell is going on in this place?”
    Again, virtual Matt held out his hand to her as if he wanted her to take his.
    “No. I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I can’t go anywhere with you. In fact, I’m leaving. There’s no way I’m going on a date with some cyborg or whatever the hell you are. Just stay away from me!”
    He stared at her, seemingly confused and hurt by her words.
    “You need to leave. Go back to wherever you came from. I don’t want you here.”
    Virtual Matt turned and left the suite, leaving Olivia sitting alone on the expensive leather sofa, crying.
    “God, what was I thinking? Am I that desperate? And why did that woman think a date with some knock-off of Matt would help me? This place is insane! I’ve got to get out of here. If this is the type of place Matt likes, then maybe we don’t belong together. I’m all for adventure, but this is just too fucking weird.”
    She grabbed her room key and the elevators doors opened quickly as she stepped up to them. The ride down was the longest she’d ever experienced in any elevator. Had it not been for the shoes, she’d have taken the stairs down.
    “Come on, really!”
    When the car finally reached the lobby and the doors slid apart, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Standing in front of her, locked in a loving embrace and kissing passionately were Matt and what had to be a virtual her.
    * * * *
    “What are you doing? Oh my God!”
    “Olivia, why are you here?”
    Matt rushed over to her and reached for her.
    “No. What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in Chicago.”
    “You’re supposed to be at home.”
    “Why are you with her…me? What is going on here?”
    “Just let me explain.”
    “Explain what? That you lied to me about Chicago so you could come here to be with some fake version of me? A version that doesn’t talk? Is that why you lied? So you could get away from my voice? Do I irritate you that much?”
    “No. That’s not it.” He laughed.
    “Is this funny to you? I’m not very amused right now. You’re here with some carbon copy of me and you think it’s funny? Is it some sick joke?”
    “It’s far from a joke.”
    “I don’t get it, Matt. How many times have you lied about conferences? I thought we were friends. Friends don’t lie to each other and they don’t do what you’re doing with that, that thing!”
    “Olivia, just calm down.”
    “Calm down? I will not calm down, Matthew Osgood! You think just because you’re some big shot author that you can do whatever you want? Lie to people and then make fun of them behind their backs? You’re

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