Long Road Home, The

Long Road Home, The by Lori Wick Read Free Book Online

Book: Long Road Home, The by Lori Wick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Wick
left. I’ll admit I didn’t think it would be this soon, but I’ve prayed for Paul every day of his life, and right now he has emotional hurts—deep emotional hurts. Those he’ll have to deal with on his own, but you’re qualified to take care of him physically. I think you’re an answer to prayer for Paul’s needs, and I’m asking you to go.”
    Abby would have loved to walk out of the living room and pretend she hadn’t heard any of this. “Will you give me some time to pray?” Abby asked, trying to right a world that suddenly felt like it was spinning.
    Her eyes tearing, Grandma Em reached for and hugged Abby. The young widow returned the hug and then made her way upstairs, knowing as she did she would soon be leaving for Hayward.


    By supper time of the same day, the entire family had been informed of the situation. Each person made their way to Abigail at one time or another and thanked her—Luke and Julia with tears in their eyes.
    The women convened the following morning and two more dresses, undergarments, and a nightgown were quickly sewn for Abby. Christine brought a few articles of clothing Paul had left at the house. Fabric and patterns were added so Abby could sew for Paul if necessary. Mark tried to guess what medical things Abby would need, and they were added to the pile of things to go in the trunk that would accompany Abby to the north woods.
    “You’re sure about this, Abby?” her aunt asked her when they had a private moment together.
    “I won’t tell you I’m not scared, but I’m sure God wants me to go. I had hoped to find work and stay close to you for a while.”
    “I would have loved it, but like you said, God is sending you, so I’m sure He’ll give us time together at a later date. Paul’s a good man, but as broken as his body must be, his heart is hurting far more. You go and see to his needs, and we’ll write like we always have. You know I’ll be praying.”
    The entire family pitched in and tried to second-guess any surprises for Abby. Less than 48 hours after Silas and Amy brought the letter from Neillsville, Abby was at the train station.
    Mac was busy with his fields, but he felt very strongly about taking Abby to the train station and insisted on being the one to pick her and Grandma Em up and see them there.
    The three sat at the station with Abby’s trunk nearby and Mac began to question her as a father would upon sending his daughter away.
    “You have plenty of money?”
    “I’m sure I do,” she answered, thinking of the money Luke had given her. She had never had so much in her life.
    “Is there anything else you can think of?”
    “No, everyone has given more than enough.”
    “I want to tell you something, Abby. The last time I saw Paul, he was so angry and bitter I hardly recognized him, but that’s not the Paul I’ve always known. It was Paul, when he was just a boy, who led me to my understanding of Jesus Christ and all He did for me.
    “So you see, he holds a special place in my heart. We’ll be praying you find a place to live and that you have enough money. I feel sure that God will put Paul back on his feet. When he does, will you please encourage him to come home, even for just a visit? We so want to see Paul, and if you can get him on his feet and send him or bring him this way, well, I can’t begin to tell you what it would mean.”
    Mac looked at the small woman on the bench beside him. Her strength and determination reminded him of his Julia. She was the type of girl he hoped his boys would grow up and marry. He had to say one more thing. “In the excitement over Paul, you may be thinking we’ve forgotten you. We haven’t.” Abby could see Grandma Em’s head moving in agreement as she listened to Mac.
    “We all know how fresh your hurt is. You can go, knowing that back in Baxter, the MacDonalds and the Camerons are praying for you every day.”
    They sat the rest of the wait in silence. Soon the ground was rumbling with

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