Longhorn Country

Longhorn Country by Tyler Hatch Read Free Book Online

Book: Longhorn Country by Tyler Hatch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tyler Hatch
want me to keep lookin’ for Blaine?’
    Morgan hesitated. ‘I want you back here.’
    ‘Well – will I send someone else out? Lucky’s a good tracker….’
    ‘Don’t you worry about it! I’ll decide – later.’
    ‘Meantime, what you gonna do about Kitty?’
    O’Day looked haunted, and annoyed at Alamo’s prodding. He was about to snap at the man again, then his shoulders slumped and he shook his head slowly as he sat down again. ‘I dunno, Alamo – Idon’t believe her. Blaine has to be the father. No one else here has shown any interest in her like Blaine. Goin’ ridin’, walkin’….’
    ‘He was discreet enough. And I’d say innocent enough too.’
    Morgan snorted. ‘He knew I’d never approve! A half-breed courtin’ my daughter! They used to go for long rides every time she came home on vacation. I should’ve figured sooner or later – somethin’ would – happen.’
    ‘Have you given her a chance to tell you her story?’
    ‘I’m not interested!’ Goddammit, the girl’s unmarried and pregnant! What the hell else is there to discuss? She’s brought shame on my name and to make it worse, the man I showed compassion and – and kindness to has betrayed me! That’s what I know – and all I need to know.’
    ‘You’re wrong – You’re not being fair to either of them. If I was you …’
    ‘Enough!’ O’Day stood again, took a turn round the room, glanced at the whiskey, passed it by, but swung back and downed another stiff drink.
    ‘That stuff’s cloudin’ your judgement, Morg.’
    The rancher rounded swiftly. ‘You’ve said enough – this is my family and I’ll make my judgements about them. You get ready for a long ride. I’ve decided what I’m going to do about the girl….’
    ‘Her name’s Kitty, isn’t it?’
    ‘About the girl – Lucky Kinnane can start the drive. You do this chore for me then come back and catch up with him in time to take the herd into railhead and do the dickerin’.’
    Alamo frowned again. ‘Where you sendin’ me?’
    ‘You’ll know before you leave – but take plenty of supplies. So you won’t need to call into any towns along the way….’
    Alamo Ames started out slowly. Sounded to him like the Old Man didn’t want anyone to know where Kitty was being sent ….
    Which likely meant he was banishing her for good from Broken Wheel. It didn’t set easy with Alamo Ames, but he’d been around Morgan O’Day long enough to know when to keep his mouth shut.
    But this was sure one helluva thing, what had happened.
    Family had always been top-of-the-list with Morg O’Day. Alamo had thought nothing could ever break that stubborn, silver-haired old buffalo.
    But, by hell, this just might do it.
    Kitty O’Day couldn’t speak.
    She had screamed so long and loudly, had hammered on the locked door of her darkened room until she had collapsed against it, half-sitting, sobbing quietly. Her throat was raw and aching from the hours she had kept trying to get her father’s attention so she could explain what had really happened – how Blaine was blameless and – the rest of it.
    She knew she could hardly be in any more trouble than she had already made for herself, but she wanted to try to save Blaine – even though she realised by now that Hardesty and Clint Rendell must have done their work.
    She decided to write a note to her father but there wasn’t enough light and he had seen to it that all letter-writing equipment was removed anyway. Even the mattress off her bed had been taken. Kitty was devastated. She had sobbed herself dry when the door finally opened and she threw an arm across her eyes as brightness slashed at her vision.
    She blinked and recognized the blocky shape of Alamo Ames. He was gentle with her as he helped her to her feet. She tried to speak but only hoarse, unintelligible sounds escaped her.
    ‘The maid’ll pack a valise for you with some clothes,’ the trail boss said quietly. ‘Don’t make a sound – Just

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