Lord Ilchester's Inheritance

Lord Ilchester's Inheritance by Fenella J Miller Read Free Book Online

Book: Lord Ilchester's Inheritance by Fenella J Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fenella J Miller
offer you my sincere and humble apologies.’
    ‘In which case, my lord, shall we begin again?’ She smiled and he was rocked once more by her beauty and charm.
    He remounted and placed his horse beside hers. ‘If you will forgive me for saying so, I believe the real culprit in this is Mr Bishop. Your great-uncle has a wicked sense of humour.’
    ‘Indeed he does, and I shall forgive him eventually. We were about to have a picnic by the lake, would you care to join us? If that is too informal for you, then we can remain indoors.’
    ‘I should love to join you outside, but before we do so there are one or two things I should like to ask you.’
    She explained how she and her brothers came to be residing at Canfield Hall but then hesitated as if she had something more serious to impart. ‘My lord, my uncle seems to be of the opinion that, as head of the Bishop family, my brothers and I are now your wards. Even if this is the case, I want to make it perfectly clear I have no intention of living anywhere but at Canfield Hall. My brothers will inherit the house and the estate one day and they must learn how to become good landlords. They cannot do this living elsewhere.’
    Until she pointed this out he had not considered this fact. The last thing he wanted was to inherit more responsibility – he had enough to cope with at home already. He shook his head. ‘I suppose that might be the case in law, Miss Stanton, but I can assure you that as far as I’m concerned Mr Bishop is your legal guardian and I have no intention of interfering in any way.’
    Her look of relief was unmistakable. ‘I thank you for your understanding. I know that my uncle and your father were not good friends, that until we appeared your family would have stood to inherit his fortune, I hope that this change of circumstances will not be a problem for you.’
    No sooner had she spoken than Sapphire realised she had offended him. His eyes flashed and his lips thinned and her heart thudded uncomfortably. He viewed her down his aristocratic nose and an unwelcome heat suffused her cheeks. She would not remain at his side to be given a set down however well-deserved.
    She dug her heel in and clicked her tongue and Starlight responded immediately. They cantered off before he could say what he was thinking about her impertinence. She must learn to curb her tongue, she had no wish to anger him for he might rescind his previous remark and start taking an active interest in her life as was his legal right.
    His huge stallion was quite capable of overtaking her, but for some reason he did not do so but allowed her to return alone. She was unused to dealing with prickly, toplofty aristocrats – was more at home talking to less elevated gentlemen. She sincerely regretted inviting him to join them for the picnic, he was bound to say something to upset her and her family.
    When she clattered into the stable yard Billy was waiting to take the mare. ‘Lord Ilchester will be here in a moment; you must make sure his stallion’s fed and watered so he is well rested before he has to return.’
    Billy tugged his forelock and grinned. ‘He’s right behind you, miss, and don’t look none too pleased about it neither.’
    This was sufficient impetus to cause Sapphire to fling herself from the saddle and scamper off into the house. A clock struck one; this whole debacle had taken place in less than an hour. She was tempted to remain hiding in her room until the autocratic stranger departed, but this would ruin her brothers’ name day and she had no intention of being so selfish.
    Jenny was waiting for her and it was a matter of moments to step into a fresh gown, this one of pale green dimity with matching slippers and a pretty chip straw bonnet. She tied the ribbons of her headgear over her damp hair satisfied she looked her best.
    She paused on the landing to glance through the window hoping to see Lord Ilchester sitting at the table, but only her uncle and her

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