Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4)

Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4) by Bethany Shaw Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4) by Bethany Shaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Shaw
Tags: Romance, shifter romance, Paranormal Werewolf Romance, werewolves and shifters
her feet, looking for something she could use as a weapon.
    She was so concerned with her companion’s well being she didn’t realize the presence behind her until it was too late. Rough hands embedded into her hair and dragged her to her feet.
    Sarah’s hands flew to her head in a desperate attempt to get the man off of her. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her roughly against his solid chest.
    “Get off me!” she shrieked, flailing wildly, but to no avail.
    Think, Sarah, think. He’s too strong for you to break free. He might be strong, but I bet it will still hurt like hell if you bite him.
    Sarah bent forward and bit into the fleshy forearm. Bile rose up in her throat as the man tasted like stale, salty sweat and dirt. Her assaulter hissed, allowing his grip to loosen. Taking advantage, she lifted her foot and slammed her heel into the top of his foot. He retaliated by swiping his long, wolfish nails across her bicep as he released her.
    Blinding pain tore through her arm and she screamed as the thick nails ripped at her flesh as he tried to grab her with his clawed hand.
    “Get off her!” Vincent snarled, launching himself at her captor.
    The air whooshed out of Sarah’s lungs as she was propelled to the ground. Her vision blurred and everything went black for a moment. She forced her eyes open and slithered across the dirt, away from the fighting.
    Once out of the way, she rolled over to watch the fight. Vincent was holding his own, but his opponent was much larger. A dark spot soaked through the back of Vincent’s shirt and she blinked, realizing he was injured. She prayed it wasn’t serious. If something happened to Vincent she would lose it.
    She had to help him. Sarah pushed to her feet, grimacing as a wave of dizziness pulled at her consciousness. She squeezed her eyes shut in an effort to stay awake. Blinking, she saw the brown wolf lying in a bloody heap in the brush. If she didn’t get it together, she or Vincent could be seriously injured or captured. She forced her eyes to focus on the fight before her. Vincent’s attacker tackled him to the ground and wrapped his hands around his throat.
    Sarah held her breath. He couldn’t die—she couldn’t let him die like this. I need a weapon. Her eyes darted around the forest at the trees and brush that surrounded her. A large branch dangled from a tree, its diameter about the size of her wrist, but with long lean branches hanging off the end. Racing forward, she jerked the branch free of the tree and snapped the smaller, skinner ends of the branch off with her knee. Heat crept up her leg from the action, but she ignored it.
    Sarah gritted her teeth as she hurried to Vincent, her makeshift club in hand. She clutched the branch above her like a baseball bat and positioned her body.
    Then swung.
    The man fell forward onto Vincent and she struck again, putting every ounce of strength she had into it. She’d be damned if anyone tried to kill Vincent. The man fell to the ground cursing as she continued to assault him. To her dismay, he started to push himself to his feet with a grunt.
    Determined not to let him get up, she aimed again and lashed out, but her enemy caught it. He yanked on his end and pulled her to him. His grubby, calloused hand snatched her chin, squeezing to the point of pain.
    “You stupid little—”
    A sickening crunch sounded, cutting him off. The man’s eyes widened as he fell to his knees and then slumped to the ground. Vincent stood behind the man and caught him, tossing his body to the side before he could fall onto her.
    Sarah’s stomach twisted as her gaze took in the odd angle of the man’s neck and the vacant black of his eyes.
    “Sarah? Sarah?” Vincent said frantically. “Sarah? Are you okay?” Vincent’s warm hands cupped her cheeks as his emerald eyes searched her.
    His soothing touch brought her out of her stupor. “I...I think so,” she replied after a long moment.
    “We’ve got to go.” His

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