Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4)

Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4) by Bethany Shaw Read Free Book Online

Book: Lost and Found (A Werewolf Wars Novel Book 4) by Bethany Shaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Shaw
Tags: Romance, shifter romance, Paranormal Werewolf Romance, werewolves and shifters
down and she got a glimpse of his tight ass. Oh my god, he’s going commando! Heat erupted over her face, and she promptly spun around as her pulse roared in her ears. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on her shirt as she removed the garment. Her hand trembled as she yanked her top over her head and covered herself.
    “Are you decent?” Vincent asked.
    “Yeah. You?” Sarah asked, untucking her long locks from the back of her shirt.
    The floorboards creaked as he spun around. Sarah turned slowly to face him, but couldn’t quite meet his gaze. She cleared her throat. “I’m going to pack up in here if you want to go collect the water and berries.”
    “I’ll be back in a few,” Vincent agreed.
    “I should be ready by the time you’re done,” she called after him.
    “Holler if you need me.”
    Sarah nodded to his back and busied herself packing up the MREs and a few blankets in a book bag she’d found stuffed under the bed. Guilt gnawed at her conscience. Stealing wasn’t right, but she and Vincent needed the supplies to ensure their survival. If they got back—when they got back—she would find some way to send money or new supplies to the property owner.
    She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she barely heard the door to the cabin click open.
    “That was awfully quick,” she commented as she tugged the zipper shut on the bag. Footsteps creaked across the floor, but Vincent didn’t say anything.
    Sarah’s hands stilled. Her heart lurched painfully in her chest as the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Slowly, she turned around. A man with long, greasy, jet black hair stood in front of her. He was at least a foot taller than her and, judging by his bulging muscles, it wouldn’t take much for him to overpower her.
    I need to yell for Vincent!
    Her eyes darted to the door and, in a vain attempt, she sprinted toward the opening. A long muscled arm caught her about the waist and slung her backwards onto the bed. The air whooshed out of her lungs as her back connected with the metal headboard. She gasped, forcing air into her chest.
    “Vincent!” she croaked, hoping the other wolf would hear her as the man in front of her whipped out restraints.
    The man leered at her and she scooted to the edge of the bed cowering away from him. Think, Sarah, think! Preston had shown her a little self-defense, but she was nowhere near as trained as Lark was. I should have spent more time picking up training instead of lost in a funk.
    A hand jutted out, snatching a hold of her wrist and yanking her off the bed. Sarah let out a startled yelp as pain ricocheted up her arm into her shoulder. I have to get free! Fight back. Don’t make this easy for him. On instinct, her foot lifted up and flew toward the man’s crotch. The man grunted and recoiled from her. She opened her palm and smashed it into his nose. Sarah grabbed the bag and darted out the door.
    She had to find Vincent so they could get out of here. She panicked, realizing she had no idea where he was or if he was okay.

Chapter Four
    A few minutes prior...
    Vincent continued his walk down to the water. The branches swayed lightly in the breeze. It was peaceful out here. He didn’t like leaving the wilderness behind for the city, but understood Sarah’s need for normalcy and safety. They needed to get back home before they were captured.
    Mockingly, the wind blew again, carrying with it the smell of sweat and body odor mixed with dried leaves in the air. Luna’s men had found them.
    He could make out two different scents on either side of him. Are the wolves surrounding Sarah as well? The woods were quiet and he doubted Sarah would go down without so much as a peep. She was okay for the moment, but her immediate future depended on how he handled himself against his two stalkers. It was imperative he keep them away from Sarah.
    He clutched the water bottle in his hand, flexing his fingers, and willing them to partially change into claws.

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