LOVE LIFE and VOWS by LaShawn Vasser Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: LOVE LIFE and VOWS by LaShawn Vasser Read Free Book Online
Authors: LaShawn Vasser
    Jason walked out of his office in search of his family. He needed to check in on Angel before he went to bed. He loved that little girl as if she were his own daughter and damn if he’d let Ryan Carter destroy his family.
    When Jason opened the door to Angel’s bedroom he found Vicky curled up and sleeping next to her. He shouldn’t be surprised but he needed her warmth tonight. He gently pressed a kiss on Angel’s cheek before picking Vicky up and carrying her to their bedroom.
    As he gently put her down onto their bed, a sleeping Vicky automatically reached out to him before whispering, “I love you Jason.”
    As he undressed Jason couldn’t resist bending over to kiss Vicky softly on her lips before whispering into the darkness, “I love you too.”
    He climbed into bed and wrapped his wife into his arms before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter 11
    It was after midnight by the time Sandy and Franklin got on the road to Franklin’s Atlanta condo. The drive was going to be at least a forty-five minutes.
    Sandy was warm and snuggly with his jacket wrapped around her. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply because it smelled just like him. She couldn’t remember the last time when she’d felt more content.
    Franklin caught a glimpse of Sandy while her eyes were closed; not only was she beautiful but she was an amazing woman.
    His gas light came on. He hadn’t realized it was that low and would need to stop for gas. In his rush to get to Jason’s house he hadn’t filled up the car. Franklin pulled up to the nearest gas station.
    “I’m going to go inside and grab a water do you want anything?”
    Sandy was so relaxed, “No thank you. I’m good.”
    Franklin got out of the car and went inside.
    She leaned her head back on the head rest. Not a moment later, she heard Franklin’s phone beep. He’d left his cell phone in the pocket of his jacket.
    She knew that Franklin and Josh were two different people but old habits die hard. Sandy pulled Franklin’s phone out his coat pocket and saw that he’d received a text message. Everything within her told her not to read it but she couldn’t resist.
    “Franklin, I’ll be in town this Friday. Would love to talk. Miss you. April.”
    Sandy’s hand started to shake. April? What could she want to talk about other than the obvious?
    Franklin was coming out of the store with his water so she quickly fixed the message to make it seem as though she hadn’t read it. Then, she put the phone back into his pocket.
    He filled up the tank and got back into the car.
    Sandy sounded a little breathless, “Did you miss me as much as I missed you while you were in there?”
    Franklin reached over and kissed her on the lips, “You know it. You okay, you’re trembling.”
    “I’m fine. It’s just a little chilly.”
    He turned the heater on, “Well let me warm you up.”
    Sandy was doing her best not to let old insecurities rear their ugly little heads. She had to trust him. What choice did she have? Hopefully, this will be no different than her rejection of Joshua. Hopefully, he’ll turn April down flat.
    She had to remember, Franklin had never lied to her and she was just going to have to trust him. So, Sandy did her best to push her nagging doubts to the back of her mind. She couldn’t punish Franklin for all the past mistakes of the other men in her life.
    By the time they made it to the condo they went straight to bed. Franklin fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. It took Sandy a little while longer before she drifted off to a fitful sleep.
    They woke early. Sandy waited for Franklin to get into the shower before she had the courage to see if he’d read or responded to April’s text.
    After scrolling down to it, he’d definitely read it. Nervously, Sandy went to his sent file to see if he responded. Her heart sank when she saw that he had.
    “ April, Thursday is no good. How about Friday?”

Chapter 12

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