LOVE LIFE and VOWS by LaShawn Vasser Read Free Book Online

Book: LOVE LIFE and VOWS by LaShawn Vasser Read Free Book Online
Authors: LaShawn Vasser
getting full custody of Angel?”
    “Honestly Jason, there is about a fifty fifty chance he could get full custody. If his press conference was a preview as to what he’s going to say to a judge, the courts might not take too kindly to the fact that Victoria didn’t inform him of his child for all this time.”
    Jason got up and started pacing back and forth, “But that’s a lie. He knew about Angel the moment she was born and he chose to keep it a secret so that it didn’t expose the affair he’d had with her.”
    “Does Vicky have anything that would back up her claim? If not, this is going to be a case of he said she said.”
    Miriam Rutherford chimed in, “Well, if it’s a case of he said / she said then why on earth would the courts side with him?”
    “Because he is Ryan Carter, possibly the next governor of Minnesota. Folks look…you are not fighting just a traditional custody case. You are about to jump into the arena of politics. Now, luckily for you Jason your family has some pretty strong connections but so does Ryan’s. Make no mistake this is going to be a long and tough battle.”
    Aunt Shirley rubbed her forehead in frustration, “All I know is that little girl means the world to my niece and it would kill her to lose Angel.”
    Jason’s dad chimed in, “Shirley, we will fight this in the courts but make no mistake, that for damn sure will not happen even if we have to take matters into our own hands.”
    “What do your people have in mind for the ground game for my wife?”
    “Our PR team has put together some preliminaries. First, we need to leak Vicky’s side of the story to the press so we’ll need a full accounting of that. Secondly, we’ll need to get Vicky and Angel out of the house and get candid shots with her being a loving and doting mother. Is Vicky a member of any charities or boards? If so, get her out there ASAP. We need to show that she is not only a loving mother but an upstanding and contributing member of this community.”
    They spent the next hour or so strategizing and going over what Vicky had told Jason about her relationship with Ryan.
    “Okay…this is a good start. Of course, I’ll still need to speak with Vicky but by morning, the Carter’s will know that we’re in this fight.”

    Franklin cleared his throat, “Well then Mr. Lucas, it looks like you’re going to have your hands full handling things from the positions of PR and the courts. We’ll handle plan B. Therefore, you might not want to be here for the conversation we’re going to have next.”
    Jason’s father agreed. “He’s absolutely right John. We’ll touch base first thing in the morning.”
    Mr. Lucas packed away his notes and paperwork. He shook hands with everyone and even though it was late, his night was just beginning.
    Jason’s dad, Jason and Franklin spent a couple more hours going over plan B after John Lucas and his staff left. John was the first to call it a night.
    Jason was exhausted. It was well past midnight and time for him to call it a night too.
    Sandy peeked her head into the study. She said jokingly, “Is it safe to come inside?”
    Jason waved her in, “Of course. We were just getting ready to call it anyway. How’s Vicky?”
    “Probably feeling like anyone else would right about now. She’s frustrated, angry, and tired but she’s tougher than she looks.”
    “I know. I just don’t want her to have to worry. She’s done enough of that. Anyway, you guys can stay here tonight if you want. There’s plenty of room.”
    The temperature had dropped and Franklin wrapped his suit-coat around Sandy’s arms.
    “Thanks but you have enough people here already. We’ll drive out to my condo but we’ll be back in the morning.”
    Jason’s parents were staying over in the guest bedroom and Aunt Shirley had gone to her own room.
    “No problem…whatever you want to do. Right now, I just want to kiss my daughter good night and curl up next to my wife. I’ll see you all

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