Love Me Always (I Hate You...I Think)

Love Me Always (I Hate You...I Think) by Anna Davis Read Free Book Online

Book: Love Me Always (I Hate You...I Think) by Anna Davis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Davis
her head while Jake laughed.
~Dear Agony~
    I was sitting in the dark of my bedroom. It
was silent and cold, but it was fitting to how I felt.
I was in the middle of the bed with my legs folded
under me just staring at the wall. I had been sitting
here for a few hours now, and finally stopped
    My heart hurt worse than any pain I have
ever felt in my life. I don't remember getting shot
but I do remember the pain when I woke in the
hospital. The infections and even struggling to
walk for week after could compare to how I felt
right now, empty, confused, and miserable. I
missed him.
    A man I know almost nothing about I
missed with every fiber of my being. I no longer
dreamed hell I hardly slept. My body and soul
yearned for him. I longed for his touch. I sob
escaped my lips and I laid my face in my hands.
Why can't I remember?
    The doorbell rang startling me. Glancing at
the clock confused my eyes widened. It was
Saturday night. It was girl's night out.
    Jumping up I grabbed the hem of my shirt
and scrubbed my face quickly. I knew my eyes
were puffy and I looked like a wreck. I opened the
door on the second ring. Kimmy was standing in
the doorway with a grin on her face, it dropped
instantly when she seen me.
    "Oh Ever," she whispered wrapping her
arms around me tightly. Taylor and another girl
who I assumed was Angie followed her in.
"Why is it so dark in here?" Taylor asked
finding the light switch. I blinked as the light
flooded the room.
    "Have you even left the house at all since
the night of the party?" Kimmy asked pulling back
pressing her lips into a firm line.
    "Let's not talk about it. I just want to party
and have fun," I smiled. The smile felt so fake it
hurt my cheeks. Kimmy didn't look convinced but
said nothing.
    Taylor stepped forward throwing her arm
over my shoulder, "Cheer up girly. We're going to
have some fun. This is Angela by the way," Taylor
pointed at the very pretty girl with light brownish
blonde hair.
Angie grinned at me and waved. She held
up some bags in her hands, "I come bearing gifts.”
"This is going to be great," Taylor smiled
reassuringly and patted my back.
    We spend two hours getting ready. The four
of us were wedged in my tiny bathroom. We were
laughing and chatting, it was nice. Taylor had flung
some powder on Kimmy by accident which turned
in to a full out fight. My bathroom floor was now
covered in white powder. Thankfully, none of us
had our dresses on yet and were able to clean up
quickly. Maybe a girls night out was exactly what I
    "Everyone got everything?" Kimmy asked
dropping her cell phone into her clutch. I smoothed
out my silky black dress and nodded. Angie's dress
was green, Taylor's white, and Kimmy had on a
cute one shoulder grey dress that flowed when she
    There was a nice red sports car sitting
outside, Kimmy went straight to it once we stepped
into the chilly night air.
"Who's car is this?" I asked shivering; I
hadn't counted on the December air being so cold.
    "It's one of the gang cars. Jake said we
could use it," Taylor told me climbing into the
"So Angie are you going to college at SU
with Taylor and Kimmy next semester?"
    She turned around to look back at me.
"Yep," she smiled. "I've wanted to come to
California for a long time. When Taylor said she
was coming here to be close to Leon I thought I'd
come along and go to school here too."
"Yeppers, we've been best friends since
kindergarten," Taylor added.
    "Me and Ever have been too. We grew up
in the city so we know our way around pretty
"Jet and Tyler are your brother’s right?"
Angie asked.
    "Yeah, they are a handful," Kimmy sighed
frowning. "I don't know what I'm going to do with
those to," she grumbled shaking her head.
"So Ever?" Taylor asked as Kimmy and
Angie kept talking.
"You won't tell Leon about me and Jake
will you?" She asked biting the inside of her
"Why don't you want him to know?" I
laughed, as her cheeks got

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