Love on a Dirt Road (The Roughneck Series Book 1)

Love on a Dirt Road (The Roughneck Series Book 1) by Nicole Hart Read Free Book Online

Book: Love on a Dirt Road (The Roughneck Series Book 1) by Nicole Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Hart
was confused.
      "When we went to get your stuff from your old apartment. He was only there for a minute. Sam tore into him pretty good, so he shagged ass when we started loading your stuff up."
      I was so relieved when Sam got all my belongings I never even asked for the details.
      "I'm so glad I didn't have to go back there, it would have been too much to deal with. He's too much to deal with."
      "I'd do it over 100 times if you needed me to. But I guarantee, I'd have laid his ass out for sure if I got the chance."
      "Have I told you that being a bad ass is pretty sexy?"
      "I'm not a bad ass, I just fight for what I want."
      "Well it sure looks good on you" I said as our food arrived.
      When I walked through the front door after work, all I wanted to do was pull my hair up and take my shoes off. As I was getting settled my phone started to ring.
      It was Derek. Decline.
      The ding of a voicemail. Delete.
      I wasn't giving in to him. I would change my number if I had to. Surely he would give up soon. I went to the kitchen to decide what to do for dinner when Sam walked out of her room. At the same time, my phone started ringing again. Sam looked at me, waiting for me to pick it up. Decline.
      "Derek's been calling and texting me."
      "Are you shitting me? What did you say?"
      "I told him it was over and to stop calling. He's just not letting up."
      "Let me answer!" She said with a shit eating grin. "I'll set him straight"
      "Nah. He'll give up eventually" And I was convinced that he would. Derek was a spoiled brat who had always gotten his way. He just wasn't used to being told no. He would find a new toy soon and move on.
    Friday Afternoon
      It was 5 o'clock and I was more than ready for the weekend.  Derek hadn't called back, maybe he finally got the hint. Things were going great with Jase. We had our lunch date every day. That was definitely something I could get used to. But I was ready to spend time with him that didn't involve conversations in a crowded restaurant with a waitress interrupting every 5 minutes. Jase had made plans to go hunting with Moon tonight but promised he would pick me up in the morning and we were spending the entire day together. I didn't even ask what we were doing, because it didn't matter. Just being with him was good enough for me.
      As I pulled into the driveway, I had an eerie feeling. But I ignored it, I was probably just tired. I grabbed my purse and got out of the car when Derek's Honda pulled up behind me.  You have got to be kidding me!
      "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep my voice even.
      “You keep ignoring my calls, you can't ignore me if I'm right in front of you" He said with anger in his eyes.
      "Look, I told you it was over. There's no coming back from what I walked in on. You said it yourself, you're not interested in being with one woman. So go find someone who's ok with that. Because it's not me!"
      "I'm not leaving until we work this out"
      "There's nothing to work out. My god, how did you even find me? I'm pretty sure I didn't leave a forwarding address."
      "I followed that bitch best friend of yours when she came to get your things."
      "Oh my God, are you hearing yourself? You sound like a fucking nutcase! Following Sam. What is wrong with you? Just get out of here!"
      "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT LAINEY!" He screamed at me, with a look in his eyes I've never seen before. It might have even scared me, if I wasn't so pissed.
      "Don't tell me how to talk, DEREK! I spent two fucking years listening to you tell me how to be. What not to say, what not to do. How to act in front of your stuck up friends. I'M DONE!" I screamed right back and turned to walk away.
      "You don't walk away from me until I tell you I'm finished" He said as he grabbed me by the arm.
      I heard the front door slam. I turned around and there was Sam on the front porch with a shot gun in her hand, pointed right at Derek.

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