Love On The Vine

Love On The Vine by Sally Clements Read Free Book Online

Book: Love On The Vine by Sally Clements Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Clements
Tags: Contemporary Romance, romance series, Short-Story, free romance
evening,” Bella said. Tension was wound so tight, it would be ages before she could sleep tonight. The image of herself naked in Etienne’s arms burning off the pent-up energy fizzing through her veins flashed into her mind.
    “The evening isn’t over yet.” Etienne leaned close to unfasten her seatbelt. His breath feathered across her cheek.
    Bella’s heart raced.
    “I thought we could go dancing.”
    “Dancing?” An image bloomed in her mind of them holding each other close, moving together in perfect time. Enjoying the contact—as lovers would. Bella flushed. “You want to go dancing?”
    “ Oui .”
    At his slow smile, she felt her insides melt.
    “And I know just the place.”
    The long queue outside ‘Roxie’s’ had disappeared. With a nod at the bouncer on the door, Etienne led Bella into the club’s darkened interior. Couples salsaing to the seductive Latin-jazz rhythms packed the compact dance floor.
    A waitress led them to a small cast iron table in the corner, close enough to see the band playing on the stage, but far enough away to talk.
    Etienne leaned in close.
    Bella’s head swam. He’s going to kiss me.
    His lips barely dusted her cheekbone.
    Heat swept her face, and her heart pounded fit to burst. She’d never felt so attuned to another person, nor so affected by another’s nearness. Shivers raced up her spine.
    His warm breath teased at her ear. “This music is wonderful. Everyone loves it. Might we use a local Latin-jazz band instead of the string quartet for the launch?”
    Bella couldn’t think, couldn’t speak. His proximity flooded her senses. The seductive music’s lure awakened a desperate urge to be in his arms, with his hands on her hips as she surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm.
    “Well?” he murmured. “What do you think?”
    Think? Bella scrambled to remember the question. “I...” She stared into his dark eyes and gave up completely. “What did you say?”
    A slow, sexy smile spread across Etienne’s face. “I suggested Latin-jazz for the party instead of the quartet.”
    Bella gave herself a mental slap. This was a business discussion; she had to get a hold of herself. She considered his proposition for a moment. “This choice would make for a completely different sort of party.”
    “I liked the quartet,” Etienne said. “But classical music is so formal, too constrained. I want the launch to be fun, something everyone can identify with.” He glanced around at the smiling dancers. “And this seems to fit the bill.”
    The room swelled with talking, dancing, drinking people. Having fun, and loving the music. If the group could imbue the party with even a portion of this energy, the launch would be a fabulous success.
    One of Carlos Santana’s best known numbers started up.
    Being in Etienne’s arms was long overdue. “Let’s dance.” She saw Etienne breath in deeply.
    The singer’s soulful voice wove its potent spell. Around them, dancers stepped in unison, hips swiveling.
    “I’m not sure I can do this,” Etienne said, eyeing the gyrating people a few feet away. “Maybe we can just...”
    The uncertain light in his eyes emboldened her. “Watch me.”
    Bella’s eyes sparkled and her lips tilted in a wicked grin. The moment she started to sway, Etienne’s heart clenched. And, as she stepped one long lissome leg forward, he damned near forgot to breathe. The Latin-jazz percussion pounded in his head, matching the pounding of his heart.
    She mouthed something. One , her left leg made contact with the smooth dance floor. Two , her right leg flexed on the spot. Three , her left leg moved back and her hips undulated. Four , she mouthed silently, not moving. Five , her right leg moved back. Six , her left flexed. Seven , with a totally feminine swish of her hips, her legs were together again.
    Etienne swallowed hard. He needed a drink. Pronto . He waved at a passing waitress and ordered a couple of Long Island iced teas.
    Fast-moving bodies spun

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