Loving An Airborne Ranger

Loving An Airborne Ranger by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online

Book: Loving An Airborne Ranger by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
pleasantly so, and fell asleep spooned together.

Chapter 10
    A heavy rain was falling when they pulled out of Fort Campbell.  They stopped at a Cracker Barrel for breakfast and were well and truly on their way. 
    They headed toward Memphis where they would cross the Mississippi River and then to Little Rock.  They decided to stop for the day in Texarkana and make it to Dime Box by noon.  It had been a good day.  They shared the driving and felt pretty good when they pulled into an Embassy Suites Hotel.  The suites provided a nice touch in the extra room space and the breakfast in the morning.
    They were up and dressed early and found the breakfast area not crowded at all.  They were able to get custom omelets and scrambled eggs for Kyle.  Chuck had taken Gunner for his morning walk, then fed him and put him in the kennel.  Lisa checked Kyle, changed him and they were off.
    Lisa had given her mother a good estimate.  They pulled into the Barrett’s driveway just after noon.
    Her mother met them at the door while her dad, Ed, stood in the background.  She hugged all three of them.  “I’m glad to meet you under more pleasant circumstances, Chuck.”
    Her dad came over and said, Welcome to our home, Chuck.  It’s good to see you.  I’ll help you get the bags from the car.” 
    “That’s okay, Mr Barrett.
    “Nonsense, besides, I think Sue wants to talk to Lisa.”
    When they went outside, Lisa’s mother said, “Lisa, Dad and I talked about it and we don’t mind if you share a room.  I’m sure you’re used to it.”
    “Mom, last night was the third time we’ve slept together.  The first was the night he proposed.”
    “Well, I just thought with the way things are these days…”  And her voice trailed off.  She was embarrassed at having brought the subject up but pleased at what she heard from her daughter.
    * * *
    Lisa asked, “Where and when do you want the wedding, honey?”
    He answered, “It doesn’t matter where, as long as you’re going to be there.  When?  The sooner the better.”
    “We have more friends at Campbell, but if you would prefer having it here, that’s okay too.”
    “It would make Mom happy if we had it here, but the Post would be all right with me too.  A quiet wedding would be nice and it would be quiet here.  Plus, if we go on a honeymoon, Mom would love to babysit Kyle.  Are we going to have a honeymoon?  What about your family?”
    “They wouldn’t come no matter where.  I’ ve the black sheep of the family since I joined the Army.  Dad wanted me to join him and take over the farm.  Let’s have it here.”
    “Okay.  Let’s tell Mom in the morning.”
    * * *
    The next morning…
    “Mom, we would like to get married here, by your pastor.  Is that all right with you?”
    “Oh Lisa, that would be wonderful.  We’ve got a lot of work to do.  You and I are going to be have to get busy.  I’ll have to talk to the reverend; you’ll need to get the license. 
    I ’ll bet my wedding dress will fit you.  Let’s get it out and see what kind of shape it’s in.”
    Lisa looked over at Chuck who was smiling.  He winked at her.  She asked, “I’ve never asked, but do you fish?  Dad would rather fish than eat.”
    “I love to fish.  We had to catch or trap our own food in survival training and I’ve caught and eaten fish several times.  It beats MREs.”
    “Dad, MREs are meals ready to eat.  They’ve replaced the K-rations you complained about so much.”
    Chuck said, “I’ve had K-rats and they were pretty bad, most of them were older than I am.  MRE’s aren’t too bad and they’re in cans so you don’t have to add water or anything.”
    Mr. Barrett and Chuck became engaged in types of fishing gear, boats, and which fish tasted best.  Lisa was happy.  She had scored points with her dad.  She’d thank Chuck for picking up the ball and running with it.  In her own special way.  That night, in her old bedroom,

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