Luck of the Irish
Cian tried to book a room, their good luck ended.
“I’m sorry, sirs, but we don’t have any other available rooms. We’re fully booked up for the rest of the week.”
    Quinn looked perplexed, and Cian hurried to let him off the hook. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll just look for a room somewhere else.”
    “Sir, just so you know, there’s a big music festival in town this weekend, and finding a room would be almost impossible. Everything’s been booked for months.”
Quinn looked like he was thinking hard, and Cian could almost tell when he came to a decision. “Well then, you’ll just have to stay with me.”
“Quinn, I don’t—”
“Cian, I think we’re capable of sharing a room for a few days.” He turned to the clerk. “Is that okay? I don’t mind paying extra.”
    “Of course it is, sir. We can even have a rollaway bed brought up for you.” “That would be great. Thank you. Come on, Cian, let’s go.”
Cian still looked a little unsure, so Quinn grabbed his arm. “What’s the matter? Don’t trust me?”
Cian just smiled and shook his head. “As long as you’re sure, I guess I can put up with you for a few days.”
Quinn grinned, and they headed for the elevator, the porter following along with their luggage.
When they reached their room and the door was opened, they were both a little awed at the beauty of it.
“Jesus, Cian, look at this view.”
    Quinn could feel when Cian joined him at the window. They were high enough up that they could see over almost the whole city. King John’s Castle was the easiest building to pick out, but the whole of Limerick looked amazing.
Quinn turned back to the porter. “What’s the music festival all about?”
    “It’s showcasing mostly Gaelic music, but of course there’s a lot of other stuff to choose from too. And there’s tons of food, arts and crafts, and some plays going on as well. I’ve been looking forward to it for months.”
    Quinn smiled excitedly. This was the kind of thing he wanted to take part in when he came to Ireland. He smiled at the young porter and handed him a tip. “Thanks for the info… and the help.”
    “No problem, sir, and someone will be bringing up the rollaway bed for you shortly. Enjoy your stay!” He closed the door and left them alone, neither one sure what to say.
    Quinn broke first because he couldn’t stand the awkward silence. “So I’m gonna take the rollaway, and you can have the bed.” He turned to grab his suitcase, but Cian caught his arm.
“Uh-uh, Donovan, your room, you get the bed. No arguments, understand?”
    Quinn just cocked his eyebrow at the challenge in Cian’s voice. “I’ll have you know, Mr. O’Reilly, that I can argue like a champion, thank you very much. However, for now, I’ll just smile and nod and plot to get you into the bed.”
When what he said hit him a second later, he turned bright red and started to stutter. Cian grinned at Quinn’s stammering.
“Well, Mr. Donovan, I’ll leave you to your plotting. I’m off to the loo to freshen up, and then I believe that you wanted to do some sightseeing?” He chuckled and headed for the bathroom, leaving Quinn alone with his thoughts. When he was gone, Quinn exhaled and sank into a chair.
    God, how was he going get through this? Cian was so gorgeous, and Quinn was aware of him in every bone in his body. Now he was going to share a bedroom with him? Seemed like the luck he had found was slipping away.
    When he heard the toilet flush and the water start up, he sighed resolutely, stood, and paced the room. His mind was swirling, making him feel off-balance and a little breathless. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, and he reined them in quickly as he went to answer it.
Another porter stood there, looking harried and apologetic. “Mr. Donovan, sir?”
Quinn nodded.
    “I’ve been sent to tell you that all the rollaway beds are being used at the moment, and as soon as one frees up, it will

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