
Luke by Jill Shalvis Read Free Book Online

Book: Luke by Jill Shalvis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Shalvis
sad day when I have to say I'm too busy to be there for them."
    "That is a sad day," Matt agreed.
    "Call me after the honeymoon."
    "Oh, no. When we get married, which will be soon, you'll be there."
    "Weddings give me the hives."
    "Too bad. You're the only family I have, Luke. The only family who ever mattered anyway."
    "Yeah." Luke felt the same way, and thinking it made his voice gruff. "I'll come."
    "Good. So stay out of hot water, at least until this all passes, okay?"
    "It's not going to pass for three months."
    "I don't suppose you can keep your mouth shut that entire time."
    "Faith would love that."
    "Faith? Who's Faith?"
    "My boss at the clinic."
    "Is she single?" Matt asked with the sudden interest of a bloodhound on the scent.
    "I don't know."
    "What does she look like?"
    "I thought you had your woman."
    "I'm thinking of you. So … is she hot?"
    "Hey, I just want you to be as happy as I am. So is she? Hot?"
    The image of her came to mind; Faith with her long flowing red hair that never seemed to obey its restraints, her huge, expressive, and usually annoyed, green eyes, and that curvy little bod which filled out her scrubs in a way that made his hands itch. Faith … hot? Oh, yeah. "She's hot under the collar," he said carefully.
    "She's hot," Matt decided with a delighted laugh.
    "Goodbye, Matt."
    "Are you going to ask her out?"
    "Goodbye, Matt."
    "You are, aren't you?"
    "Yeah, yeah. Good luck, Luke."
    With a shake of his head and a surprising smile, Luke hung up the phone. Quiet surrounded him, and his smile went nostalgic. God, he really missed having his brother around. They'd had some amazing times growing up in Texas, roaming their grandfather's fields with little to no supervision, finding trouble more often than not, but always finding it together, and suddenly, the thousand miles separating them seemed so huge. Maybe he'd take a vacation when this was over.
    Right. A vacation.
    He never took time off.
    Well, he would, he decided. It'd be his own little reward for getting through the next two and three quarters months of Saturdays.
    And one Faith McDowell.
    Finishing stripping down, he showered, and was practically asleep by the time he padded naked from the bathroom straight to his bed.
    Carmen had made it for him, complete with pillows neatly lined up against the headboard and the heavy comforter he never bothered with, all pulled up nice and smooth. He wasn't used to sliding into a nicely organized bed, as his mornings were usually a race to get ready while trying to remember where he'd left his keys and wallet. He couldn't spare the time to make his bed. Besides, he was just going to mess it up again at night, so he never understood the need to waste those extra few moments in the mornings.
    But he had to admit, it felt good. Closing his eyes, he prepared to let sleep claim him, but for some reason, his mind once again ran over the day's events.
    Despite being so busy, the clinic had run smoothly, he'd give Faith that. Her patients were carefully tended to and cared for with a personal touch he had to admit had surprised him.
    When he finally dozed off, she was still on his mind, and he dreamed about her healing him. Doing it with just her fingertips, healing him … when he hadn't known he needed healing.

Chapter 4
    « ^ »
    F aith had her usual Sunday and Monday off, and since the clinic was closed, she considered a bike ride, a movie … even a shopping spree. Instead, she made the mistake of looking in her office. Seeing the stacks of paperwork waiting for her there, she ended up working both days.
    On Tuesday, Healing Waters opened to slightly more patients than any time since Dr. Walker's public disdain. Wednesday, the same.
    The rest of the week went by without event, other than each day showing an extremely slight increase of business, with references from the hospital and local doctors starting to pile in.
    Hope among the staff surged, and Faith felt so

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